看護行為にインフォームド・コンセントは考えられるか : 小児病棟における看護学生の場合
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Informed Consent is the idea that a doctor fully explains to his patient the way of treatment. The most important factor about this idea is that a doctor gives a preference to the patient's will and consent also is needed for nursing care because nurses are taking a part in the care and treatment of patients as a helper for doctors. In order to study the idea of Informed Consent, we recently have discussed how to teach nursing-ethics and its task in nursing education. For this study, the survey also has been conducted by addressing a questionnaire to the student nurses under bedside training at the pediatric ward in the hospital. The questionnaire has provided 62 different situations for the study. The contents of the questionnaire were as follows: 1) Informed Consent, 2) Code of Nursing, 3) Age of Child, 4) Time of NursingCare. From the viewpoint of these four factors, an investigation has been made about the relationship between the presence or absence of Informed Consent and the easiness of nursing achivement. Its result was O.878 (R1) The importance of Informed Consent was ranked first in Mother, second in Mother and Child, third in Child, and last in the absence of Informed Consent, according to criterion categorical variable. There came the result that it is the most important to give Informed Consent to Mother first of all when nursing her sick Child.
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