Further Development of Chebyshev Acceleration in Connection with SAOR Method
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The paper is concerned with an improvement over the symmetric accelerated overrelaxation (SAOR) method for an iterative solution of large linear systems. At first, the Chebyshev acceleration (or semi-iteration) procedure is introduced to the SAOR method, and the Non-Adaptive SAOR-SI algorithm is developed. Next, an adaptive procedure which estimates automatically the maximum eigenvalue of the SAOR iteration matrix is constructed. Moreover the Partial-Adaptive SAOR-SI algorithm including the adaptive procedure is proposed, and its characteristics are cleared with numerical results. A comparison with the optimum SOR algorithm is also given. It is finally proved that the proposed algorithms, Non-Adaptive SAOR-SI and Partial-Adaptive SAOR-SI algorithms, are efficient for the iterative solution.
- 岡山理科大学の論文
仁木 滉
池内 雅紀
池内 雅紀
Okayama University Of Science
大崎 一安
Okayama University of Science
大崎 一安
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