<研究報告>J-J Rousseauの体育思想へのアプローチ : 「evaluation of ancient history」の研究を中心として
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Jean Jacque Rousseau is not a historian what we call. But we can find everywhere in his works many writing about history. In this case Rousseau thought "written history" and he had to find out educational value in it. This is the reason why Rousseau criticizes modern history and estimates high ancient history and ancient man. However, ancient history and ancient man do not include the whole ancient age. Rousseau especially estimated Sparta. The admiration of Sparta owes to the matter of morality and education. This became the standard of evaluation in the society of 18th century, and moreover the guide of human and social development. According to such thinking of Rousseau, this time I'll think especially about Rousseau's evaluation of ancient history. I want to see basing on Rousseau himself's view of history, how Roesseau thought historical fact in the ancient history, and what part the physical education in the Sparta education which Rousseau admired took in the public education.
- 愛知工業大学の論文
- 1971-03-30
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