<論文>環境中の合成高分子化合物による由来物質及び環境ホルモン化合物の動態解析(1) : NO_x, SO_xの環境動態とフェノールの高感度計測(プロジェクト研究)
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The dynamics of nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides as pollutants in air and water samples collected at Nagoya and its environs were investigated by using flow injection (FI) technique. Nitrogen monoxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO_2) and sulfur dioxide (SO_2) as air pollutants were collected by the passive sampling device. NO and NO_2 were determined based on a diazotization/coupling reaction with the copperized cadmium (Cd/Cu) reduction column installed in the FI system. Another FI method using dimethylsulfonazo III-barium chelate was used for SO2 determination. These proposed FI methods were also applied to the monitoring the concentrations of nitrite nitrogen (N-NO_2) and nitrate nitrogen (N-NO_3) in river water, pond water, rainwater and seawater, and of sulfate ion in seawater. In addition, a sensitive spectrophotometry for the determination of phenol using a solid-phase extraction cartridge was developed. It is based on the oxidative coupling of 4-aminoantipyrine with phenol to form an azo compound (aminoantipyrine dye) in the presence of hexacyanoferrate(III) at pH 10. The proposed method using Sep-Pak C_<18> or Porapak R_<DX> cartridge showed a high enrichment factor (10-100) and made it possible to determine the 1-8 ng ml-<-1> level of phenol with a low relative standard deviation. The recoveries of ng ml^<-1> levels of phenol added to tap water were satisfactory for both cartridges.
- 愛知工業大学の論文
- 2001-06-30
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