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Recently, considerable attention has been paid to chemicals that are used for daily life, are put out to the environment, and influence living things. We examined the concentrations of surfactant LAS (Linear Alkylbenzene Sulfonate) included in a synthetic detergent for washing about the water of 27 rivers in the Kagawa prefecture. The averaged LAS concentrations of all rivers were high in winter and spring and were low in summer and autumn. The LAS amount of Banya River, Ume River, Benten River, Tsumeta River, and Gobou River were always high. The water of Gobou River where the highest LAS concentration had been indicated was investigated by eight points of the valley. As a result, the LAS concentration rose by becoming to the downstream. It is deduced that LAS remains in the river because the inflow increase of drain containing LAS by the urbanization exceeded the decomposition ability by the microorganism in the river. Bisphenol A (BPA), heptylphenol (HP) and nonylphenol (NP) are noticed as endocrine disrupters. Then, the amounts of BPA, HP and NP in the rivers of the prefecture were examined. BPA was detected in 17 of 27 rivers and the value was comparatively high in Banya River, Ume River, Benten River, Shin River and Gobou River. Because HP and NP were hardly observed, pollution is thought to be low now. In addition, the concentrations of metals Cd, Ni, Pb and Fe in the above 27 rivers were examined. The quality of water was kept good for these metals.
獅々堀 彊
岡野 亜希子
加太 英明
香川県立医療短大 臨床検査学
加太 英明
岡崎 尋美
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