- 論文の詳細を見る
Polystyrene (PS) is one of the most frequently used resins in the world, and the styrene oligomers dissolved out from PS were listed among "the chemicals suspected of causing endocrinological disruption" in the Japan Environmental Agency's SPEED '98. Afterwards, styrene oligomers have been deleted from the list. Recently, it has been reported that two types of styrene dimers (SD) and four types of styrene trimers (ST) have proliferative activity on MCF-7 human breast tumor cells and binding affinity for human estrogen receptor a, suggesting that the styrene oligomers might prove endocrine disruptors. We have thus investigated the contents of the styrene oligomers in the polystyrene food containers being used now and in the cooked instant noodles and soups. The average content of the styrene oligomers in the 14 kinds of the polystyrene food containers was 2,006μg/g and the contents of SD and ST in "Bowl type" and "Cup type" containers were 2,594 and 531μg/g, respectively. Six kinds of cooked instant noodles were also examined. As a result, the styrene oligomers eluted from the containers were included in the noodles and the soups. The contents of SD and ST from "Bowl type" and "Cup type" containers were 63 and 11μg/L, respectively. It has been indicated that the contents of SD and ST from "Cup type" containers are much lower than that of the other type. We have therefore come to the conclusion that the molding method of the "Cup type" container is much more preferable.
獅々堀 彊
岡野 亜希子
加太 英明
香川県立医療短大 臨床検査学
加太 英明
岡崎 尋美
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