在宅で高齢者を介護している家族の負担と看護介入 : 介護状況及び在宅サービス利用と介護負担との関連から
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To study the nursing intervention of home caregivers, relations between the care situation of home caregivers who take care of the elderly and utilize visiting nursing station, the use of home-care services and the care burden were examined. The study consisted of 63 home caresivers utilized visiting nursing station of the elderly. Results were obtained through questionnaires and were as follows ; 1) The caregivers of aged women have taken care and medical treatment of the elderly requiring high nursing level and high dependency of medical treatment. 2) Seventy percent of caregivers have felt the care burden of "more than moderate degree". 3) Among home-care services, there was little utilization of visiting care, visiting bathing and short-term stays. 4) There was no relation between the level of care burden and the amount of provision limit of the nursing insurance. 5) To reduce the care burden on the home caregivers, it is necessary to keep in contact with the staff of the hospital when the home-care has started, and to provide a support for reduction of uneasiness concerning the medical treatment and an information of nursing insurance and welfare.
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