Usefulness of Plasma Calibrant for Monitoring of Oral Anticoagulant Therapy
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The values of prothrombin time (PT) and thrombotest (TT) were examined comparatively for monitoring of oral anticoagulant therapy by the calibration curve using Internal Normalized Ratio (INR) calibration plasma. There were good correlations in both the whole treatment area and the high treatment area (TT 15% or less). On the other hand, differences among 4 lots of the prothrombin reagent were obvious as PT was in the abnormal area shown in the expression of seconds. Also, since the use of the INR calibration plasma is convenient, mean normal protoronbin time (MNPT) can be calculated simply. Therefore, giving INR report by using calibration plasma for the monitoring of oral anticoagulant therapy is the most suitable and practical method for the standardization of INR ,TT as well as PT.
- 香川県立保健医療大学の論文
真鍋 紀子
一原 直人
真鍋 紀子
真鍋 紀子
Department of Medical Technology, Kagawa Prefectural College of Health Sciences
一原 直人
Department of Medical Technology, Kagawa Prefectural College of Health Sciences
Miyoshi Makoto
Department of Medical Technology, Kagawa Prefectural College of Health Sciences
一原 直人
Miyoshi Makoto
Department Of Medical Technology Kagawa Prefectural College Of Health Sciences
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