- 論文の詳細を見る
Lipid compounds of core sediments from the regulating pond that was changed from seawater to fresh water for the reclamation of the Isahaya Bay were examined. The thickness of a clayed sediments in the regulating pond was more than 30cm from April, 1997 to October, 1999. The core sediments that was dredged on July, 1999 were clay. The upper part, 0-22cm of the core was a sediment of the pond and the lower part of the core was marine sediment. Core sediments contain n-alkanes > C_<27> and n-alcohols > C_<22> which indicative of an origin from higher plants. The sediments of the pond contain small amounts of C_<17>-alkane and C_<16>-alcohol that are typical of autochthonous production. Sterols of 16 kinds were detected. In the upper part of the core, amount of C_<26>-sterols, 22-dehydrocholesterol and cholesterol decreases with increasing stigmasterol and β-sitosterol concentration. In the triangular diagram of C_<27>, C_<28> and C_<29> sterols in the core sediments, the upper of the core were plotted in estuarine of bay and the lower part were plotted in open marine. The large amounts of n-alcohols, phytol, sterols, fatty acids and coprostanol found in the upper part of the core may be interpreted as indicating the eutrophication and the pollution in the sediments.
- 2002-06-28
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