- 論文の詳細を見る
The petrochemical complex in the Shiohama area of Yokkaichi City was constructed and began operation in 1957. In about 1960,complaints such as soot, dust and an offensive odor began to arise. In about 1961,with the full-scale operation of the petrochemical complex, bronchial asthma occurred abnormally frequently among the local inhabitants, which presented a major social problem called "Yokkaichi Asthma". As a radial solution of this problem, the first restrictions on the total amount of sulfur oxide in Japan, which were based on the anti-pollution law in Mie Prefecture, were put into force in 1972. Due to the efforts of enterprises in conformity with these restrictions, the sulfur oxide level decreased to a level below the environmental standard in all areas of Yokkaichi City at the end of 1976. Thus, the long-term environmental problem has made its way to a solution, and the prevalence, incidence, and mortality of respiratory diseases in this city have markedly decreased. Various experiences during this period are precious in environmental problems in Japan. We summarize the course of this problem.
- 四日市大学の論文
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