Hand-Arm Vibration Exposure and the Development of Vibration Syndrome
Miyashita Kazuhisa
Department Of Hygiene Wakayama Medical College
Miyashita Kazuhisa
Department Of Clinical Research On Acupuncture Kansai College Of Oriental Medicine
TAKEDA Shintaro
Department of Hygiene, Wakayama Medical University
Iwata Hirotoshi
Department Of Hygiene Gifu University School Of Medicine
Miyamoto Kunihiko
Department of Hygiene, Wakayama Medical College
Kuroda Mototsugu
Department of Hygiene, Wakayama Medocal College
Kuroda Mototsugu
Department Of Hygiene Wakayama Medocal College
Miyamoto Kunihiko
Department Of Hygiene Wakayama Medical College
Kuroda Mototsugu[et
Department of Hygiene, Wakayama Medocal College
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