Causes of hearing impairment evaluated by the upper limit of hearing among Chinese people in an urban area
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2002-05-31
MIYAI Nobuyuki
Department of Cardiology, Kouseikai Takeda Hospital
Takeda Shintaro
Nursing College Wakayama Medical University
Miyashita Kazuhisa
Department Of Hygiene School Of Medicine Wakayama Medical University
Miyashita Kazuhisa
Department Of Hygiene Gifu University School Of Medicine
Miyashita Kazuhisa
Department Of Clinical Research On Acupuncture Kansai College Of Oriental Medicine
Yamamoto Hideki
Department Of Hygiene Wakayama Medical University
Wang Tiankui
Department Of Hygiene Wakayama Medical University
Miyai Nobuyuki
Department Of Cardiology Kouseikai Takeda Hospital
Nursing College, Wakayama Medical University
Department of Hygiene, Wakayama Medical University
TAKEDA Shintaro
Department of Hygiene, Wakayama Medical University
Morioka Ikuharu
Wakayama Medical Univ. Wakayama Jpn
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