Application of Likelihood Search Method to Neural Networks Learning
KOGA Masaru
Dept. of Elect. and Electron. Syst. E. Graduate School of Inform. Sci. and Elect. E.
Dept. of Elect. and Electron. Syst. E. Graduate School of Inform. Sci. and Elect. E.
MURATA Junichi
Dept. of Elect. and Electron. Syst. E. Graduate School of Inform. Sci. and Elect. E.
KOGA Masaru
Department of Electrical Engineering,Faculty of Engineering,Kyushu University
Murata J
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka Jpn
Murata Junichi
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
Koga Masaru
Department Of Electrical Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Kyushu University
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