Conjugate observation of periodic VLF emissions near L=6
- 論文の詳細を見る
Conjugate observation of VLF emission was carried out at Kitdalen (69.1°N, 20.3°E geographic, 65.5°N, 105.3°E geomagnetic, L=6.0) in Norway and at Syowa Station (69.0°S, 39.6°E geographic, 66.2°S, 70.5°E geomagnetic, L=6.1) in Antarctica in February 1980,and also at Andφya (69.2°N, 16.0°E geographic, 66.0°N, 102.2°E geomagnetic, L=6.1) in Norway and at Syowa in March 1982. During these campaign periods, periodic VLF emissions were often observed at both stations in opposite hemispheres. A typical periodic emission event observed at both stations was chosen for cross spectral analysis of the emission period. The results show the characteristics of "symmetrical three-phase emission" reported by BRICE (Radio Sci., 69D, 257,1965) as three wave packets, which were symmetrically spaced along the line of force, were echoing in the magnetosphere. Though the geomagnetically conjugate point of Syowa is located about 1800km far from Kitdalen or Andφya, the common nature of the emissions observed at both stations suggests that the periodic emission which originates from the common source in the magnetosphere can spread more than 1800km at the ionospheric level. This observational result is compared with the ray tracing calculation. It is concluded that if the periodic emissions are guided by a field-aligned duct and the duct is terminated at an altitude of 6000km, the periodic emissions can spread as far as the observed distance.
- 国立極地研究所の論文
Yoshino Takeo
University of Electro-Communications
Yamagishi Hisao
National Institude of Polar Research
Fukunishi Hiroshi
National Institute of Polar Research
KOJIMA Toshiharu
Mitsubishi Electric Company
Kojima Toshiharu
University of Electro-Communications
Fukunishi Hiroshi
Faculty Of Science Tohoku University
Fukunishi Hiroshi
Upper Atmosphere And Space Research Laboratory Tohoku University
Gendrin Roger
Centre de Recherches en Physique de l'Environnement, Terreste et Planetaire, CNET
Gendrin Roger
Centre De Recherches En Physique De L'environnement Centre National D'etudes Des Telecommu
Gendrin Roger
Centre De Recherches En Physique De L'environnement Terreste Et Planetaire Cnet
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