Measurement of Auroral Electric Fields with an Antarctic Sounding Rocket S-310JA-7. 1.DC Electric Field
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The results are given on the DC electric field in an active auroral arc and outside the equatorside of it observed with two pairs of orthogonal double probes launched by an Antarctic sounding rocket S-310JA-7 at 191550 UT on March 27,1978 at Syowa Station. The north-south component of the observed electric field was northward (equatorward) in the arc, and southward (poleward) outside the equatorside of the arc with a magnitude of about 20mV/m. The east-west component was mostly westward throughout the rocket flight and smaller (about 5mV/m) in the arc and larger (about 50mV/m) outside the arc. Anticorrelation of the electric field and precipitating particles is evident. An examination of the oppositely inward directed electric fields in the meridional cross section suggests an electrostatic potential configuration responsible for the acceleration of precipitating particles. The observed westward component would have been originated in the large scale earthward plasma convection in the magnetosphere.
- 国立極地研究所の論文
Yamagishi Hisao
National Institude of Polar Research
Fukunishi Hiroshi
Upper Atmosphere and Space Research Laboratory, Faculty of Science, Tohoku University
Fukunishi Hiroshi
National Institute of Polar Research
Hirasawa Takeo
National Institute of Polar Research
Fujii Ryoichi
National Institute of Polar Research
Ogawa Toshio
Geophysical Institute, Kyoto University
Ogawa Tadahiko
Radio Research Laboratory
Makino Masahiko
Geophysical Institute, Kyoto University
Hayashida Sachiko
Geophysical Institute, Kyoto University
Nishino Masanori
Research Institute of Atmospherics, Nagoya University
Ogawa Toshio
Faculty Of Engineering Toyama Prefectural University
Makino Masahiko
Geophysical Institute Kyoto University
Fukunishi Hiroshi
Faculty Of Science Tohoku University
Fukunishi Hiroshi
Upper Atmosphere And Space Research Laboratory Tohoku University
Fukunishi Hiroshi
Upper Atmosphere And Space Research Laboratory Faculty Of Science Tohoku University
Hayashida Sachiko
Geophysical Institute Kyoto University
Nishino Masanori
Research Institute Of Atmospherics Nagaya University
Ogawa Toshio
Geophysical Institute Kyoto University
Ogawa Toshio
Solar-terrestrial Environment Laboratory Nagoya University
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