Current progress in DNA barcoding and future implications for entomology
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-04-05
神保 宇嗣
神保 宇嗣
神保 宇嗣
神保 宇嗣
Department Of Natural History Graduate School Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
神保 宇嗣
Ito Motomi
Department Of Biology Chiba University
Kato Toshihide
Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Chiba University
Jinbo Utsugi
Univ. Tokyo Meguro Jpn
Jinbo Utsugi
Department Of Natural History Graduate School Of Science Tokyo Metropolitan University
Jinbo Utsugi
Department Of General Systems Studies Graduate School Of Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokyo
Kato Toshihide
Department Of General Systems Studies Graduate School Of Arts And Sciences The University Of Tokyo
ITO Motomi
Department of General Systems Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo
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- 日本であまり知られていないナニワズハリキバガ(鱗翅目,キバガ上科)の再記載と生活史およびハリキバガ属の科階級群の所属に関する総説
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- 蛾界 (2008年の昆虫界をふりかえって)
- 蛾界 (2007年の昆虫界をふりかえって)
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- DNAバーコーディング--生物同定の新しいアプローチDNA
- 蛾界 (2006年の昆虫界をふりかえって)
- 蛾界 (2005年の昆虫界をふりかえって)
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- 日本のGeogepa属とその1新種(ハマキガ科)
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- Current progress in DNA barcoding and future implications for entomology
- Phylogenetic Analysis of Nepenthaceae, Based on Internal Transcribed Spacer Nuclear Ribosomal DNA Sequences