Spontaneous Superficial Temporal Artery Pseudoaneurysm in Elderly Women
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-10-15
Department of Neurosurgery, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
ONIZUKA Masanari
Department of Neurosurgery, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
NII Kouhei
Department of Neurosurgery, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
Iko Minoru
Department Of Neurosurgery Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
Nii Kohei
Department Of Neurosurgery Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
Aikawa Hiroshi
Department Of Neurosurgery Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
Aikawa Hiroshi
Department Of Environmental Health Tokai University School Of Medicine
Sakamoto Kimiya
Department Of Neurosurgery Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
NAKAU Hiroya
Department of Molecular Behavioral Biology, Osaka Bioscience Institute
Kazekawa Kiyoshi
Department Of Neurosurgery Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
Onizuka Masanari
Department Of Neurosurgery Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
Tsutsumi Masanori
Department Of Neurosurgery Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
Nakau Hiroya
Department Of Neurosurgery Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
Haraoka Seiji
Departments Of Pathology Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
Haraoka Seiji
Department Of Pathology Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
Hara Fumihiko
Department Of Cardiology Toho University Medical Center Omori Hospital
Inoue Ritsurou
Department Of Neurosurgery Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
Hara Fumihiko
Department Of Neurology Hara Hospital
INOUE Ritsuro
Department of Neurosurgery, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
Sakamoto Kimiya
Department of Neurosurgery and Neuroradiology, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
Inoue Ritsuro
Department of Neurosurgery and Neuroradiology, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
Nii Kouhei
Department of Neurosurgery, Fukuoka Kieikai Hospital
Tsutsumi Masanori
Department of Neurosurgery and Neuroradiology, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
Kazekawa Kiyoshi
Department of Neurosurgery and Neuroradiology, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
NII Kouhei
Department of Neurosurgery and Neuroradiology, Fukuoka University Chikushi Hospital
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