Alcohol drinking patterns and the risk of fatty liver in Japanese men
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-04-01
Tsubouchi Hirohito
Department Of Digestive And Life-style Related Disease Kagoshima University Graduate School Of Medic
Tsubouchi Hirohito
大阪大学 医学系研究科消化器内科学
Tsubouchi H
Department Of Internal Medicine Ii Miyazaki University School Of Medicine
Koseiren Hospital
Tsubouchi Hirohito
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine The University Of Miyazaki
Department of Internal Medicine, Kagoshima Kouseiren Hospital
Department of Internal Medicine, Kagoshima Kouseiren Hospital
Department of Internal Medicine, Kagoshima Kouseiren Hospital
Kagoshima Kouseiren Medical Health Care Center
Horiuchi Masahisa
Department Of Biochemistry Faculty Of Medicine Kagoshima University
Ido Akio
Department Of Digestive And Life-style Related Disease Kagoshima University Graduate School Of Medic
Ido Akio
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Miyazaki Medical College
Uto Hirofumi
Department Of Digestive And Life-style Related Disease Kagoshima University Graduate School Of Medic
Oketani Makoto
Department Of Digestive And Life-style Related Disease Kagoshima University Graduate School Of Medic
Oketani Makoto
Second Department Of Internal Medicine Kagoshima University School Of Medicine
Ido Akio
Department Of Digestive And Life-style Related Disease Health Research Course Human And Environmenta
Uto Hirofumi
Department Of Digestive And Life-style Related Disease Health Research Course Human And Environmenta
Oketani Makoto
Department Of Digestive And Life-style Related Disease Health Research Course Human And Environmenta
Koriyama Chihaya
Department Of Epidemiology And Preventive Medicine Kagoshima University Graduate School Of Medical A
Uto Hirofumi
Digestive Disease And Life-style Related Disease Health Research Human And Environmental Sciences Ka
Imamura Yasushi
Department Of Internal Medicine Kagoshima Kouseiren Hospital
Tsubouchi Hirohito
Department Of Digestive And Life-style Related Disease Health Research Course Human And Environmenta
Hiramine Yasunari
Department Of Internal Medicine Kagoshima Kouseiren Hospital
Hosoyamada Kaori
Department Of Internal Medicine Kagoshima Kouseiren Hospital
Kusumoto Kazunori
Kagoshima Kouseiren Medical Health Care Center
Koriyama Chihaya
Department Of Epidemiology And Preventive Medicine Kagoshima University Graduate School Of Medical A
Horiuchi Masahisa
Department Of Environmental Medicine Kagoshima University Graduate School Of Medical And Dental Scie
Department fo Digestive and Lifestyle-related Disease, Health Research Human and Environnmental Scineces, Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
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