Chemical Identity of a Rotting Animal-Like Odor Emitted from the Inflorescence of the Titan Arum (Amorphophallus titanum)
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The titan arum, Amorphophallus titanum, is a flowering plant with the largest inflorescence in the world. The flower emits a unique rotting animal-like odor that attracts insects for pollination. To determine the chemical identity of this characteristic odor, we performed gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-olfactometry analysis of volatiles derived from the inflorescence. The main odorant causing the smell during the flower-opening phase was identified as dimethyl trisulfide, a compound with a sulfury odor that has been found to be emitted from some vegetables, microorganisms, and cancerous wounds.
- 社団法人 日本農芸化学会の論文
- 2010-12-23
Botanical Gardens, Graduate School of Sciences, the University of Tokyo
藤岡 宏樹
塚谷 裕一
塚谷 裕一
東大 基礎生物学研
Tsukaya Hirokazu
Plant Biology Research Center Chubu University:college Of Bioscience And Biotechnology Chubu Univers
Tomizawa Yasuko
Tomizawa Yasuko
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery The Heart Institute Of Japan Tokyo Women's Medical Univers
TSUKAYA Hirokazu
Department of Biosystems Science, School of Advanced Sciences, The Graduate University for Advanced
NAGAI Shunji
National Cancer Center Hospital East, Oncology/Hematology
Fujioka Kouki
International Clinical Research Center Research Institute International Medical Center Of Japan
Tsukaya H
Biological Sciences Graduate School Of Science University Of Tokyo
Department of Medical Ecology and Informatics, Research Institute, International Medical Center of J
Tomizawa Yasuko
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery Women's Medical University
Murata Jin
Botanical Garden Graduate School Of Science University Of Tokyo
Nagai Shunji
National Cancer Center Hospital East
Tsukaya H
National Institute For Basic Biology/okazaki Institutes For Integrated Bioscience
Tsukaya Hirokazu
National Inst. Basic Biology Aichi Jpn
Tsukaya Hirokazu
Department Of Biological Sciences Faculty Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Tsukaya Hirokazu
Department Of Biological Sciences Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Tsukaya Hirokazu
National Institute For Basic Biology/okazaki Institutes For Integrated Bioscience
Botanical Gardens, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
Tomizawa Yasuko
Department Of Cardiorascular Surgery Heart Institute Of Japan Tokyo Women's Medical College
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The U
MANOME Yoshinobu
Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Institute of DNA Medicine, Jikei University School of Medicine
TOUHARA Kazushige
Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The U
Fujioka Kouki
Department Of Molecular Cell Biology Institute Of Dna Medicine Jikei University School Of Medicine
Tomizawa Yasuko
Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery The Heart Institute Of Japan Tokyo Women's Medical Univers
Shirasu Mika
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The Uni
Kakishima Satoshi
Botanical Gardens Graduate School Of Science The University Of Tokyo
Touhara Kazushige
Department Of Applied Biological Chemistry Graduate School Of Agricultural And Life Sciences The Uni
Manome Yoshinobu
Department Of Molecular Cell Biology Institute Of Dna Medicine Jikei University School Of Medicine
Tanaka Hirokazu
Divison Of Biological Science Graduate School Of Science Nagoya University
Tomizawa Yasuko
The Department Of Cardiovascular Surgery The Heart Institute Of Japan Tokyo Women's Medical College
Tsukaya Hirokazu
National Institute For Basic Biology/okazaki Institute For Integrated Bioscience
Japan Association of Women Surgeons
Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Tokyo Women's Medical University
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