日本産ネジバナSpiranthes sinensis(ラン科)の分子マーカーから見た多型:開花期多型と屋久島産矮小型(f. gracilis)の分類学的扱い
- 日本産ヘクソカズラにおける葉型の多様性 : 宮島産コバノヘクソカズラの再検討
- 日本産ネジバナSpiranthes sinensis(ラン科)の分子マーカーから見た多型:開花期多型と屋久島産矮小型(f. gracilis)の分類学的扱い
- 葉の形態形成と植物ホルモン
- オオバコ矮小化に関する形態学的・分子系統学的解析、特にヤクシマオオバコの分類学的扱いについて
- FTAカードを用いたフィールドでの植物DNA採集法
- Knowledge-based Fuzzy Adaptive Resonance Theory and Its Application to the Analysis of Gene Expression in Plants(BIOINFORMATICS)
- ホシザキシャクジョウ(ヒナノシャクジョウ科)の18S rDNA配列情報に基づく系統的位置
- Molecular evidences for allopolyploid origins of Plantago asiatica var. densiuscula and P. formosana
- Receptor-like kinases that are essential for protoderm formation in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Arabidopsis Mutants by Activation Tagging in which Photosynthesis Genes are Expressed in Dedifferentiated Calli
- Gravitropism in Leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.
- 核内倍加による細胞肥大と植物のサイズ制御
- Taxonomic Notes on Cayratia tenuifolia (Wight & Arn.) Gagnep., Vitaceae
- Microarray analysis of compensated cell enlargement in angustifolia3
- Characterization of a dehydrogenase motif and an uORF in Arabidopsis ANGUSTIFOLIA gene
- 腐生植物Monotropastrum humile var. glaberrimumの菌根菌の分子マーカーによる同定
- Compensated cell enlargement occurs post-mitotically and is achieved by several different mechanisms
- Classification of compensated cell enlargement by the extra-small sisters mutations
- Dissection of Enhanced Cell Expansion Processes in Leaves Triggered by a Defect in Cell Proliferation, with Reference to Roles of Endoreduplication
- Coordination of cell proliferation and cell expansion in the control of leaf size in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Analyses of transgenic or mutant plants with altered leaf thickness
- ギンリョウソウ(Monotropastrum humile)の分類的位置の再検討--glaberrimum変種に注目して
- Chromosome Observations in Species of Cayratia (Vitaceae). II. Intraspecific Polyploidy in C. trifolia
- ネパール・ムスタンにおける野生植物種の大規模DNAコレクション
- The Mechanism of Cell Cycle Arrest Front Progression Explained by a KLUH/CYP78A5-dependent Mobile Growth Factor in Developing Leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana
- The bHLH Transcription Factor SPATULA Controls Final Leaf Size in Arabidopsis thaliana
- Chemical Identity of a Rotting Animal-Like Odor Emitted from the Inflorescence of the Titan Arum (Amorphophallus titanum)
- ASYMMETRIC LEAVES2 and Elongator, a Histone Acetyltransferase Complex, Mediate the Establishment of Polarity in Leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana
- ANGUSTIFOLIA3 Plays Roles in Adaxial/Abaxial Patterning and Growth in Leaf Morphogenesis
- ROTUNDIFOLIA4 Regulates Cell Proliferation Along the Body Axis in Arabidopsis Shoot
- A hypothesis on the origin of genetic heterozygosity in diploids and triploids in Japanese Cayratia japonica species complex (Vitaceae)
- Leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity specification and lamina outgrowth : evolution and development
- Flowering phenology of the nine-year plant, Strobilanthes cernua (Acanthaceae)
- A hypothesis on the origin of genetic heterozygosity in diploids and triploids in Japanese Cayratia japonica species complex (Vitaceae)
- How do 'housekeeping' genes control organogenesis? : unexpected new findings on the role of housekeeping genes in cell and organ differentiation
- Leaf adaxial-abaxial polarity specification and lamina outgrowth : evolution and development