- 論文の詳細を見る
A brief account of structure and function including remaining research subjects of ion channels, which are the key molecules for understanding brain and neural functions, are given in this review. In specific terms, structure and function of five types of channels are summarized. The mechanism of selective ion permeation of larger K+ ion faster than smaller Na+ ion through K+ channel, which had been long puzzling question in electrophysiology, was revealed but it is still unclear that other ion selectivity could be explained by same mechanism. Structure of acetylcholine receptor in a condition similar with native membrane was analyzed but detailed gating mechanism is expected to be analyzed by Freeze-trapping method. Historically important structure analysis of glutamate receptor was achieved and the analysis revealed importance of asymmetric structure of the homo-tetramer. A plug model, which might be crucially important for gating mechanism of gap junction channel, was proposed based on structure analysis of connexin. Structure of water channel expressed in brain was analyzed but its functional studies are expected.
- 2010-11-25
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