Electrochemical Study of Functionalization on the Surface of a Chitin/Platinum-modified Glassy Carbon Paste Electrode
照井 教文
照井 教文
TERUI Norifumi
Ichinoseki National College of Technology
Faculty of Education, Gunma University
照井 教文
Terui Norifumi
Division Of Material Science Graduate School Of Environmental Earth Science Hokkaido University
Terui Norifumi
Department Of Chemical Engineering Ichinoseki National College Of Technology
Kuramitz Hideki
Department Of Environmental Biology And Chemistry Faculty Of Science University Of Toyama
Sugawara Kazuharu
Faculty Of Engineering Maebashi Institute Of Technology
Faculty of Education, Gunma University
Yugami Asako
Fac. Of Education Gunma Univ.
Yugami Asako
Faculty Of Education Gunma University
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