Critical roles of T-LAK cell-originated protein kinase in cytokinesis
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2010-02-10
梶原 哲郎
Tochigi Cancer Center Hospital
梶原 哲郎
Nakamura Yusuke
Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, Human Genome Center, Institute of Medical Science, University of T
Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, Human Genome Center, Institute of Medical Science, the University
Nakamura Yusuke
東京大学医科学研究所ヒトゲノム解析センター ゲノムシークエンス解析分野
Katagiri Toyomasa
京都大学 医学部外科学
Katagiri T
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Katagiri Toyomasa
Laboratory Of Molecular Biosignal Research Center Kobe University School Of Medicine
Nagane Y
Sanai Hospital Iwate Jpn
Nagane Yutaka
Nagane Yutaka
Department Of Urology Sanai Hospital
Kajiwara Tetsuro
Tochigi Cancer Center Hospital
Kodama Tetsuro
栃木県立がんセンター研究所 がん遺伝子研究室
Kasugai Tsutomu
東京大学医科学研究所ヒトゲノム解析センター 分子医学
Nakamura Yosikazu
Nakamura Y
Center For Genomic Medicine Riken
Nakamura Yusuke
Laboratory Of Molecular Medicine Human Genome Center Institute Of Medical Science The University Of
Nakamura Y
東京大学医科学研究所ヒトゲノム解析センター ゲノムシークエンス解析分野
Nakata Yoshio
理化学研究所ゲノム医科学研究センター 内分泌・代謝疾患チーム
PARK Jae-Hyun
Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, Human Genome Center, Institute of Medical Science, The University
Laboratory of Molecular Medicine, Human Genome Center, Institute of Medical Science, The University
Nakamura Y
Laboratory For Pharmacogenetics Riken Center For Genomic Medicine
Nakamura Y
Laboratory Of Molecular Medicine Human Genome Center Institute Of Medical Science The University Of
Kodama Tetsurou
Division Of Medical Oncology National Cancer Center Hospital
Park Jae-hyun
Laboratory Of Molecular Medicine Human Genome Center Institute Of Medical Science The University Of
Nishidate Toshihiko
Laboratory Of Molecular Medicine Human Genome Center Institute Of Medical Science The University Of
Katagiri T
Laboratory Of Molecular Medicine Human Genome Center Institute Of Medical Science University Of Toky
Nakamura Yusuke
Laboratory For Molecular Medicine Human Genome Center The Institute Of Medical Science University Of
Nishioka Yoshihiro
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Cancer Research Institute Sapporo Medical University School
Nakamura Yusuke
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo Jpn
Nakamura Yusuke
Laboratory Of Molecular Medicine Human Genome Center Institute Of Medical Science The University Of
Nakamura Yusuke
Laboratory Of Molecular Medicine Human Genome Center Institute Of Medical Science University Of Toky
Nakamura Yusuke
Laboratory For Genotyping Riken Snp Research Center C/o Riken Yokohama Institute
Nakamura Yusuke
Department Of Obstetrics And Gynecology Cancer Research Institute Sapporo Medical University School
中村 好一
Laboratory Of Molecular Medicine Human Genome Center Institute Of Medical Science University Of Toky
Nakamura Yusuke
Laboratory For Pharmacogenetics Snp Research Center The Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research (riken)
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