In silico および in vitro 技術を用いたヒトUDP-グルクロン酸転移酵素(UGT)1A9熱安定性の解析
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2009-06-25
中島 美紀
金沢大学 大学院医学系研究科薬物代謝化学
Nakajima Miki
金沢大学 薬学部薬物代謝化学研究室
中島 美紀
Nakajima Miki
Drug Metabolism And Toxicology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kanazawa University
Nakajima Miki
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kanazawa University
Nakajima Miki
Laboratory Of Drug Metabolism Graduate School Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Hokkaido University
YOKOI Tsuyoshi
Drug Metabolism and Toxicology, Division of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graduate School of Medical Scie
中島 美紀
中島 美紀
Nagao Hidemi
School of Mathematics and Physics, College of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University
Drug Metabolism and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kanazawa University
YAMAMOTO Tetsunori
School of Mathematics and Physics, College of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University
Nagao Hidemi
School Of Mathematics And Physics College Of Science And Engineering Kanazawa University
Nakajima Miki
Drug Metabolism And Toxicology Division Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate School Of Medical Scienc
Yokoi Tsuyoshi
Drug Metabolism And Toxicology Division Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate School Of Medical Scienc
Yamamoto Tetsunori
School Of Mathematics And Physics College Of Science And Engineering Kanazawa University
Fujiwara Ryoichi
Drug Metabolism And Toxicology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kanazawa University
Yamamoto Tetsunori
School Of Mathematics And Physics Coll. Of Sci. And Engineering Kanazawa Univ.
Nagao Hidemi
School Of Mathematics And Physics Coll. Of Sci. And Engineering Kanazawa Univ.
YOKOI Tsuyoshi
Drug Metabolism and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kanazawa University
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