Zinc Oxide Surge Arresters and HVDC 125kV-upgrade 500kV Converter Stations : Power Technology of Japan through the Experience of Developments and Applications of Gapless Metal Oxide Surge Arresters
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Gapless Metal (Zinc) Oxide Surge Arresters for a.c. systems contribute to the insulation co-ordination based on the suppression of lightning surges and switching surges. These gapless metal oxide surge arresters using ZnO elements are effective to HVDC systems. This paper describes basic characteristics of ZnO (zinc oxide) elements for d.c. systems and applications of gapless surge arresters to HVDC 125kV frequency converters, HVDC 250kV, upgrade HVDC 500kV converter stations, and HVDC 500kV cables of Japan through the experience of developments and applications of gapless metal oxide surge arresters.
- 社団法人 電気学会の論文
- 2009-10-01
小林 隆幸
小林 隆幸
Hitachi Ltd.
小林 隆幸
Matsushita Yoshinao
Kansai Electric Power Company
Kobayashi Takayuki
Tokyo Electric Power Company
SAKAI Takehisa
Electric Power Development Company
SUZUKI Hironori
Shirakawa Shingo
Hitachi/jaeps Tokyo University Of Science (tus)
Shirakawa Shingo
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