Remarkably Stabilized Charge Separations in Inorganic Nanospace
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Chemical Society of Japanの論文
- 2009-07-15
Kajino Tsutomu
Toyota Central Research & Development Labs
Kajino Tsutomu
Toyota Central R & D Labs Inc.
Mino Hiroyuki
Division Of Material Science (physics) Graduate School Of Science Nagoya University
Mino Hiroyuki
School Of Material Science (physics) Graduate School Of Science Nagoya University
TOYOTA Central R&D Labs, Inc.
TAKAGI Katsuhiko
Department of Crystalline Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Itoh Shigeru
School Of Material Science (physics) Graduate School Of Science Nagoya University
YUI Tatsuto
Department of Crystalline Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Department of Crystalline Materials Science, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Yui Tatsuto
Department Of Crystalline Materials Science Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Tsuchino Takako
Department Of Crystalline Materials Science Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Itoh Shigeru
Division Of Material Science Graduate School Of Science Nagoya University
Itoh Shigeru
Department Of Material Science (physics) Graduate School Of Science Nagoya University
Takagi Katsuhiko
Department Of Applied Chemistry Nagoya University
Takagi Katsuhiko
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Fukushima Yoshiaki
Toyota Central R & D Labs Inc.
Mino Hiroyuki
School Of Material Sci. (physics) Graduate School Of Sci. Nagoya Univ.
Itoh Shigeru
Nagoya Univ.
Fukushima Yoshiaki
Toyota Central R & D Laboratories Inc.
- Preparation of Nanoparticles in Nanoporous Silica, FSM-16
- 2P145 Redox-dependent conformational rearrangement of the substrate-binding domains of protein disulfide isomerase(33. Redox enzyme,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 3P269 FTIR法による赤色・緑色光センサータンパク質AnPixJの光反応の解析(光生物-視覚・光受容,第48回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Selective Epoxidation of Cyclohexene by a Square-planar Ru Complex Immobilized into Mesoporous Silicate FSM-16
- Isolation of a Protease-Deficient Mutant of Bacillus brevis and Efficient Secretion of a Fungal Protein Disulfied Isomerase by the Mutant
- Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2-containing Al-Mesoporous Silica Thin Films
- 2P144 Four-domain arrangements of Thermophilic Fungal protein disulfide isomerase in redox state revealed by small-angle X-ray scattering(33. Redox enzyme,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 2P334 Light-induced dissociation of SyPixD (cyanobacterial BLUF type photoreceptor) from SyPixE (response regulator)(42. Sensory signal transduction,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 1P409 Photoreaction mechanisms of two cyanobacterial BLUF domain proteins studied by low temperature spectroscopy(17. Light driven system,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS &BSJ 2006)
- Biochemical and Functional Characterization of BLUF-Type Flavin-Binding Proteins of Two Species of Cyanobacteria
- Design of Photofunctional Laminated Organized Thin Films : Photochromism of Ammoniumazobenzene Arenecarboxylates Cast on Silica Glass
- A Bioelectrocatalysis Method for the Kinetic Measurement of Thermal Inactivation of a Redox Enzyme, Bilirubin Oxidase
- 1P-027 全反射赤外分光法によるマルチ銅酸化酵素のカルボン酸の機能解析(蛋白質-構造機能相関,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P-215 光センサータンパク質AnPixJのシリカ多孔体中への吸着(光生物-視覚・光受容,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2P-222 シリカメソ多孔体内部の細孔への巨大光合成膜タンパク質複合体の導入とその熱耐性向上機構(光生物-光合成,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3TP2-03 シリカメソ多孔体細孔中に導入した好熱性シアノバクテリア光化学系IIコア複合体の機能(光生物-光合成,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Remarkably Stabilized Charge Separations in Inorganic Nanospace
- 2P363 Function of photosynthetic membrane protein complex inside silica mesoporous materials(43. Photosynthesis,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- Reversible Morphological Changes Induced by the Photodimerization of Bis (4-Octadecyloxystilbazolium) Isophthalate Films
- Molecular Cloning of a Fungal cDNA Encoding Protein Disulfide Isomerase
- Purification of Protein Disulfide Isomerase from a Thermophilic Fungus
- The Template Polymerization of 12-Methacryloyloxydodecanoate Ions in LDH Clay
- Color Changes Dependent on the Anisotropic Intercalation of Poly(diacetylenecarboxylates) in LDH Clay Hybrids
- 2P-220 ピコ秒時間分解蛍光分光法による黄化葉の緑化途上における光合成系タンパク質複合体構築過程の観測(光生物-光合成,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 2P-223 極低温時間分解蛍光測定によるThermosynechococcus vulucanusの光化学系2の二量体と単量体のエネルギー移動の比較(光生物-光合成,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Enhanced Effect of Mesoporous Silica on Base-Catalyzed Aldol Reaction
- Synthesis of [AL]-SSZ-31 by Dry-Gel Conversion (DGC) Method
- Synthesis of Mono-Dispersed Mesoporous Silica Spheres with Hexagonal Symmetry
- One-pot Synthesis of Bimodal Dispersed Mesoporous Silica Spheres
- Intercalation of Metalloporphyrin-Surfactant Complex into Layered Niobate and the Photochemical Injection of Electrons to Niobate
- 3P-268 極低温時間分解蛍光測定による中心目珪藻Chaetoceros gracillisの光化学系I超分子複合体内のエネルギー移動の解析(光生物・光合成,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Efficient Peroxide Decoloration of C.I. Acid Orange 7 Catalyzed by Manganese Mesoporphyrin Dimer Derivatives in Micellar Solutions
- 3P-223 ホモダイマー型光合成反応中心のアフィニティ精製と分光学的性質(光生物-光合成,第47回日本生物物理学会年会)
- 3P-273 対称型光合成反応申心タンパク質複合体内で機能する電子伝達体の配位構造(光生物・光合成,第46回日本生物物理学会年会)
- Photochemical Electron Transfer Reactions in Clay-porphyrin Complexes(Characterization of Clays,Proceedings of the 13^ International Clay Conference)
- Optically Transparent Thin Film of Layered Niobate (K_4Nb_6O_) Intercalated with Tris(2, 2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II)
- High Density Adsorption of Porphyrins onto Clay Layer without Aggregation: Characterization of Smectite-Cationic Porphyrin Complex
- Synthesis of a PET-Clay Hybrid Material
- Synthesis of Rhodamine 6G/Cationic Surfactant/Clay Hybrid Materials and Its Luminescent Characterization
- Preparation of Hybrid Organic/Inorganic Luminescent Thin Solid Films with Highly Concentrated Laser-dye Cations
- Visible Light-Induced Electron Transfers in Titania Nanosheet and Mesoporous Silica Integrated Films
- 2P349 Fast electron donation from CycA to the homodimeric type-I reaction center of the green sulfur bacterium Chlorobium tepidum(43. Photosynthesis,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- 2P348 Properties of iron-sulfur centers and quinone in the reaction center complex of Heliobacterium modesticaldum(43. Photosynthesis,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- Investigation of Photoprotection Mechanism and Its Diversity in Dry Lichen Studied by Fluorescence Lifetime Analysis
- 2P364 Photoprotection Mechanism in Dried Lichens Studied by Pico-Second Time-Resolved Fluorescence Spectrophotometry at Cryogenic Temperature(43. Photosynthesis,Poster Session,Abstract,Meeting Program of EABS & BSJ 2006)
- The Photochemistry and Stereochemical Control of Clay-Intercalated Compounds
- Enantioselective Photopinacolization of Benzophenone and Benzhydrol Intercalated in Mg-Al LDH Interlayers
- The One-Electron Transfer Induced Photocycloreversion of Stilbazolium Cyclodimers
- Regioselective Photocyclodimerization of Cyclohexenones Intercalated on Clay Layers
- Utilization of an Aromatic [4.4.4]Propellane as Thermally Stable Hole-Transport Materials in OLEDs
- Synthesis of Hexagonally Ordered Super-Microporous Silicas, Using Conventional Alkyltrimethylammonium Bromide, as Adsorbents for Water Adsorption Heat-Pump Systems
- Mono-and Bilayer Equilibria of Stearate Self-Assembly Formed in Hydrotalcite Interlayers by Changing the Intercalation Temperature
- Clay minerals as photochemical reaction fields
- Photocatalytic Electron Transfer in Hybrid Titania Nanosheets Studied by Nanosecond Laser Flash Photolysis
- Intercalation of Spirooxazine Induced by Zinc Cation Chelation in Montmorillonite and Its Photochromic Behavior
- The Effect of Layered Sodium-Magadiite on the Photochromic Reversibility of Diarylethene Immobilized on Its Surfaces
- The Hybridization of Layered Niobates with N,N'-Dimethylbipyridinium Ions by an Acid-Base Reaction
- The Synthesis of Two Types of Layered Niobate Hybrid Materials by the Selective Intercalation of Ionic Porphyrin
- A Nanostructured Hybrid Material Synthesized by the Intercalation of Porphyrin into Layered Titanoniobate
- Host-Guest Electron Transfer between Intercalated Co(II)-Tetraphenylporphine Tetrasulfonate and Mg-Fe(III) Layered Double Hydroxides
- Continuously Changing the Conformational Dependence of Saponite Hybrid Materials on the Intercalation Degree: Electric Linear Dichroism of Stilbazolium Derivatives Intercalated in Saponite Clay
- Intercalation of Aliphatic Carboxylates in Hydrotalcite Interlayers : Selective Photochemical Hydrogen Abstraction by Benzophenonecarboxylate
- Organized Photocycloaddition of 4-Benzoylbenzoate with Unsaturated Carboxylates in Hydrotalcite Clay Interlayers
- Structure of Montmorillonite/Polyamide Intercalated Compounds (ナノコンポジット材料)
- Synthesis of 2:1 Type 3-(Methacrylozy)propyl Magnesium (Nickel) Phyllosilicate
- Novel Oligomers of 9,9-Dialkylated Fluorenes for Thermally Stable Hole-Transport Materials in OLEDs
- Influence of Poling Field on Polymerization in Polyurea Thin Films for Second-Harmonic Generation Prepared by Vapor Deposition Polymerization
- Alignment by Poling and Regioselective Photodimerization of Stilbazolium Ions Dispersed in Polyelectrolytes
- Syntheses of Highly Ordered Mesoporous Materials, FSM-16, Derived from Kanemite
- UV Light Driven Morphological Changes in Lamella Films of a Poly(ethylene imine) Complex with 4-Dodecyloxycinnamic Acid
- Photodimerization of trans-Cinnamic Acid in a Bilayer or Dimethyldioctadecylammonium Bromide
- Synthesis of Pt-Ru Nanoporous Fibers by the Nanoscale Casting Process Using Supercritical CO_2 for Electrocatalytic Applications
- Densification Process of Sepiolite under Hydrothermal Hot-pressing
- P25 Carbon Dioxide Absorption in Poly-Amide Monomer/Ca^ solution
- 3Q1346 青色光受容体BLUFタンパク質TePixDの可逆的な光反応 : 低温分光による解析(光生物_視覚・光受容4,第49回年会講演予稿集)
- 3D0900 膜配向したPS IIのENDOR法によるMnクラスター周辺のプロトンの位置の決定(光生物-光合成,口頭発表,日本生物物理学会第50回年会(2012年度))
- Synthesis of nickel and magnesium phyllosilicates with 1:1 and 2:1 layer structures.
- Photochemical dimroth rearrangement of 1,4-diphenyl-5-amino- and 4-phenyl-5-anilino-1,2,3-triazoles.
- Effect of Alkylammonium Ions on the Photochemical Behaviors of .GAMMA.-Stilbazolium Aggregates in Clay Interlayers.
- Mechanism of the copolymerization of silicic acid and metal ions in aqueous media.
- A10 Interaction between Aliphatic Organic Molecules(Di-amine, Mono-amine and Amino Acid)with Calcium Carbonate