Management of sentinel lymph nodes in malignant skin tumors using dynamic lymphoscintigraphy and the single-photon-emission computed tomography/computed tomography combined system
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2006-06-01
冨口 静二
冨口 静二
山下 康行
Yamashita Yasuyuki
Department Of Radiology Kumamoto University
Yamashita Yasuyuki
熊本大学 医学薬学研究部放射線診断学
Yanaga Yumi
熊本大学 医学薬学研究部放射線診断学
冨口 静二
熊本大学医学部附属病院 放射線科
山下 康行
熊本大学 大学院放診
Kageshita Toshiro
Department of Dermatology, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto University
冨口 静二
熊本大学 大学院医学薬学研究部放射線診断学部門
Shiraishi Shinya
Department of Radiology, Kumamoto University
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, School of Health Sciences, Kumamoto University
Ono Tomomichi
Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kumamoto University
山下 康行
Yamaguchi Yasuo
Department Of Surgery Ii Kumamoto University Medical School
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto Univ
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto Univ
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kumamoto Univ
Kaguchi Atsushi
Department Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kumamoto Univer
山下 康行
Department Of Radiology Kumamoto University
山下 康行
山下 康行
熊本大 医 放射線医学
冨口 静二
熊本大学 医学部神経内科
Tomiguchi Seiji
Department Of Diagnostic Radiology School Of Health Sciences Kumamoto University
Tomiguchi Seiji
Department Of Radiology Kumamoto University School Of Medicine
Ishihara Tsuyoshi
Department Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kumamoto Univer
Ichihara Takashi
Riken (the Institute Of Physical And Chemical Research)
Shiraishi Shinya
Department Of Diagnostic Radiology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kumamoto University
Yamashita Yasuyuki
Department Of Diagnostic Imaging Faculty Of Medical And Pharmaceutical Sciences Kumamoto University
Yamashita Yasuyuki
Department Of Radiology Kumamoto University School Of Medicine
Tomiguchi Seiji
Department Of Radilogy Kumamoto University School Of Medicine
Ishihara Tsuyoshi
Department Of Dermatology And Plastic Surgery Graduate School Of Medical And Pharmaceutical Sciences
Yamashita Yasuyuki
Department Of Diagnostic Radiology Kumamoto University Postgraduate School
Matsushita Shigeto
Department Of Plastic And Reconstructive Surgery Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kumamoto Univer
Matsushita Shigeto
Department Of Dermatology Field Of Sensory Organology Kagoshima University Graduate School Of Medica
Shamima Sultana
Department Of Diagnostic Imaging Kumamoto University Graduate School Of Medical Sciences
Kageshita Toshiro
Department Of Dermatology And Plastic Surgery Graduate School Of Medical And Pharmaceutical Sciences
Yamaguchi Yasuo
Department Of Diagnostic Radiology Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kumamoto University
Tomiguchi Seiji
Department Of Radiology Kumamoto Unviersity School Of Medicine
- 心筋SPECT検査におけるcollimator detector response(CDR)補正とeffective scatter source estimation(ESSE)法による散乱線補正の有用性
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- 多施設共同ファントム実験による ^Tc SPECT の散乱・吸収補正の定量性評価
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- Role of cardiac computed tomography in patients with suspected coronary artery disease : interaction with nuclear cardiology
- Initial experience with X-ray CT based attenuation correction in myocardial perfusion SPECT imaging using a combined SPECT/CT system
- Attenuation correction using combination of a parallel hole collimator and an uncollimated non-uniform line array source
- Attenuation correction using asymmetric fanbeam transmission CT on two-head SPECT system
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- 減弱(吸収)補正 : TCT法を中心に(第45回核医学分科会プログラム)
- 3.マルチディテクターヘリカルCTの肺ガン検診への応用(第40回 日本肺癌学会九州支部会)
- ガドリニウム造影三次元 MR angiography
- 腫瘍の microcirculation と dynamic MRI
- 胎児と新生児期, 乳児期外科的疾患のMRI
- 肝腫瘍における dynamic helical CT と dynamic MRI の造影効果の定量的評価
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- 肝細胞癌に対するSMANCS動注療法における肝動脈閉塞についての検討
- SPECT/CTにおける画像補正法
- PET/CT時代における骨、^Tl, ^Gaシンチの意義 : 司会の言葉
- 核医学装置の動向
- 核医学装置の現状と将来 : 司会の言葉
- SPECT/CT融合画像の臨床応用(第51回核医学分科会)
- 乳腺小腫瘤性病変の定量的検討 : ダイナミックMRIのコンパートメントモデル解析
- Identification and characterization of focal ground-glass opacity in the lungs by high-resolution CT using thin-section multidetector helical CT : experimental study using a chest CT phantom
- Prediction of aortic peak enhancement in monophasic contrast injection protocols at multidetector CT : phantom and patient studies
- OJ-200 Increased Pericardial Fat Volume is Associated with Presence of Coronary Artery Plaques with or without Coronary Stenosis and Positive Remodeling(OJ34,Atherosclerosis (Clinical/Pathophysiology) (IHD),Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Sci
- Management of sentinel lymph nodes in malignant skin tumors using dynamic lymphoscintigraphy and the single-photon-emission computed tomography/computed tomography combined system
- Development of a collimator blurring compensation method using fine angular sampling projection data in SPECT
- Optimum energy window setting on Hg-201 x-rays photopeak for effective Tl-201 imaging
- Accurate scatter correction for transmission computed tomography using an uncollimated line array source
- 45.当科における肺野小型末梢異常陰影に対する最近の胸腔鏡下手術の検討(一般演題)(第24回 日本気管支学会九州支部総会)
- Hyperoxia-induced Acute Lung Injury Using a Pig Model: Correlation between MR Imaging and Histologic Results
- Phantom Evaluation of Scatter and Attenuation Correction in Thallium-201/Technetium-99m Acquisition in Myocardial Perfusion Single-photon Emission Computed Tomography
- Diagnostic accuracy of simultaneous acquisition of transmission and emission data with technetium-99m transmission source thallium-201 myocardial SPECT
- Evaluation of persistence of ductus venosus with Tc-99m DTPA galactosyl human serum albumin liver scintigraphy and I-123 iodoamphetamine per-rectal portal scintigraphy
- 44.肺末梢性カルチノイド腫瘍の1例 : 第39回日本肺癌学会九州支部会
- A new method for crosstalk correction in simultaneous dual-isotope myocardial imaging with Tl-201 and I-123
- Radiation dose reduction in hepatic multidetector computed tomography with a novel adaptive noise reduction filter
- MR血管撮影
- ポリープ状異型腺筋腫に子宮内膜腺癌の共存した1症例
- 呼吸同期3D-FT高速GRE法による肝臓T_1強調画像の検討 : 呼吸停止下GRE法および安静呼吸下SE法との比較
- 18.Screlosing hemangiomaの1例 : 第38回日本肺癌学会九州支部会
- 呼吸停止下心電図同期 black-blood 法による心臓の高速 MR imaging
- 第37回日本肺癌学会九州支部会 : 1.Bronchioloalveolar carcinomaのCT,MRI所見
- ^Tl心筋SPECTにおける transmission 法による減弱補正
- Reduction of Radiation Dose at HRCT of the Temporal Bone in Children
- 読影支援の手段である遠隔画像診断による地域医療推進 (総特集 不況下での画像診断機器戦略)
- Ectopic cervical thymus in an infant
- Optimal dose and injection duration (injection rate) of contrast material for depiction of hypervascular hepatocellular carcinomas by multidetector CT
- Multidetector CT findings suggesting a perforation site in the gastrointestinal tract : analysis in surgically confirmed 155 patients
- ^Tl SPECTにおける散乱線補正に関する研究
- 第32回日本肺癌学会九州支部会 : 6.肺野小型病変に対するThin-slice CT診断能
- マルチスライスCTにおける造影剤の有効な使用方法
- ^TlイメージングでのTEW法による散乱線補正のためのエネルギーウィンドウ設定に関する基礎的検討
- ^Tlイメージングにおけるoff-peak triple energy window 収集による散乱線補正
- ^Tl イメージングのための ^Hg 特性X線ピーク領域におけるエネルギースペクトル解析
- MRIは壊死性膵炎における, いわゆる膵壊死巣内の不均一な内部構造を描出する
- Quantitative Evaluation of Measurement Accuracy for Three-dimensional Angiography System Using Various Phantoms
- Remort desktop を利用したリアルタイム遠隔放射線治療計画・支援システムの構築
- 異型狭心症発作時^Tl心筋シンチグラムにおける不完全再分布像の検討 : ポスター発表 : 第57回日本循環器学会学術集会
- 心筋 SPECT における半側臥位撮像法の検討
- 核医学装置の動向 (特集 核医学装置の現状と将来)
- Estimation of 123I-IMP arterial blood activity from dynamic planar imaging of the chest using a graph plot method for the quantification of regional cerebral blood flow
- Clinical usefulness of a collimator distance dependent resolution recovery in myocardial perfusion SPECT : a clinical report from a single institute
- 心筋SPECT検査における collimator detector response (CDR) 補正と effective scatter source estimation(ESSE) 法による散乱線補正の有用性
- センチネルリンパ節生検における dynamic RI とCT/SPECTの意義
- 多施設による ^Tc-MAG_3 腎機能定量解析精度の検討