Augmentation effects of lymphocyte activation by antigen-presenting macrophages on FDG uptake
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-10-01
SATO Shigehiro
Department of Microbiology, School of Medicine, Iwate Medical University
Sato Shuhei
Department Of Radiology Okayama University Graduate School Of Medicine
Sato Shigehiro
Department Of Applied Chemistry And Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Niigata Institute Of Techno
Department of Virology, Iwate Medical University School of Medicine
Cyclotron Research Center, Iwate Medical University
Nakamura Ryuji
Department Of Radiology Iwate Medical University
Nakamura Ryuji
Department Of Anesthesia Akane Foundation Tsuchiya General Hospital
Sato S
Department Of Radiology Kobe University Graduate School Of Medicine
Tsutsumi Reiko
Department Of Bacteriology Iwate Medical University
Department of Dental Radiology, Iwate Medical University
Department of Dental Radiology, Iwate Medical University
Sakamaki Kimio
Department Of Dental Radiology Iwate Medical University
Shozushima Masanori
Department Of Dental Radiology Iwate Medical University
Terasaki Kazunori
Iwate Medical Univ.
Terasaki Kazunori
Cyclotron Research Center Iwate Medical University
Department of Dental Radiology
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