多毛類の多様性と干潟環境 : カワゴカイ同胞種群の研究(<特集>干潟の自然,その過去と現在)
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Nereidid polychaetes often dominate in benthic communities in estuarine tidal flats. For typical example, Hediste worms, in which five morphologically similar species are known in the North Temperate Zone, often attain high density and biomass. Asian Hediste worms were previously regarded as belonging to a single species. However, recent studies could distinguish three distinct species in them, i.e., H. japonica (Izuka, 1908), H. diadroma Sato and Nakashima, 2003, and H. atoka Sato and Nakashima, 2003. It seems to be ecologically significant that three Hediste species with different life histories inhabit the same or neighboring estuaries in eastern Asia. Spawning, fertilization and early development in H. japonica and H. diadroma occur in water column after reproductive swarming of mature adults. The distribution of H. japonica is restricted to muddy tidal flats in the inner part of Ariake Sea in Japan and Korean western coasts (Yellow Sea), where tidal ranges are the greatest in Asia (mean tidal range of around 3 m or more in the spring tides). In these tidal flats, the sediment surface is severely disturbed by water movement produced by the strong tidal current. Here, H. atoka has never been found, while H. diadroma coexists with H. japonica in some areas. In H. atoka, spawning, fertilization and early development occur within (or around) a burrow without reproductive swarming, and may be unsuccessful in the unstable muddy sediments because of the difficulty of maintaining an intact burrow during this process. Local tidal amplitudes are geographically and geo-historically different, mainly affected by co-oscillating effects in relation to the coastal topography (e.g., the size of a bay) and by a long-term change of the distance between the earth and the moon. The different tidal amplitudes may be one of major environmental factors affecting evolution for the closely related burrowing species. The recent rapid depletion of Asian tidal flats due to human impact (especially those located in semi-enclosed bays) is a serious problem resulting in extreme reduction in the distributional range of unique muddy shallow-water fauna.
- 日本古生物学会の論文
- 2004-09-22
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