Lethality of Increasing CO_2 Levels on Deep-Sea Copepods in the Western North Pacific
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Oceanographic Society of Japanの論文
- 2006-04-01
Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University
Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University
Watanabe Yuji
Graduate School Of Environmental Earth Science Hokkaido University
Ishizaka J
Nagasaki Univ. Nagasaki Jpn
Ishizaka Joji
Faculty Of Fisheries Nagasaki University
The General Environmental Technos Co., Ltd.
Ikeda Tsutomu
Laboratory Of Marine Biodiversity Graduate School Of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido University
Suzuki Shinya
Marine Biological Research Institute Of Japan Co. Ltd.
Yamaguchi Atsushi
Laboratory Of Marine Biodiversity Graduate School Of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido University
The General Environmental Technos Co., Ltd.
Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University
The General Environmental Technos Co., Ltd.
The General Environmental Technos Co., Ltd.
The General Environmental Technos Co., Ltd.
Field Science Education and Research Center, Kyoto University
Graduate School of Kuroshio Sciences, Kochi University
Research Institute of Innovative Technology for the Earth (RITE)
Sekido Yoshio
The General Environmental Technos Co. Ltd.
Yamaguchi Atsushi
Graduate School Of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido University
Harimoto Takashi
Ocean Environmental Survey Team Environmental Chemistry Department Kansai Environmental Engineering
Shirayama Yoshihisa
Kyoto Univ. Wakayama Jpn
Ishida H
The General Environmental Technos Co. Ltd.
Ikeda Tsutomu
Graduate School Of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido University
Ishida Hiroshi
Kansai Environmental Engineering Center Co. Ltd. Osaka Jpn
Takahashi Masayuki
Department Of Systems Science Graduate School Of Arts And Science University Of Tokyo
Watanabe Yuji
The General Environmental Technos Co. Ltd.
Yamaguchi Atsushi
Laboratory of Marine Biodiversity, Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences, Hokkaido University
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