Dissimilar Metal Joining of Aluminum to Steel by MIG Arc Brazing Using Flux Cored Wire
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-10-15
NAKATA Kazuhiro
Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University
Nakata K
Osaka University
Department of Materials Processing, Tohoku University
Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University
Murakami T
Osaka University
Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University
TONG Hongjun
Welding Research & Mechanical Engineering Dept., DAIHEN Corporation
Osaka University
Ushio M
Osaka Univ.
Ushio Masao
Joining And Welding Research Institute Osaka University
Nakata K
Osaka Univ. Osaka Jpn
Tong H
Daihen Corporation
Nakata Kazuhiro
Joining And Welding Res. Inst. Osaka Univ.
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- Dissimilar Metal Joining of Aluminum to Steel by MIG Arc Brazing Using Flux Cored Wire
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- Dissimilar Metal Joining of Steel to Aluminum by Lap Joint MIG Arc Brazing(Physics, Processes, Instruments & Measurements, INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF JWRI 30TH ANNIVERSARY)
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- Analytical Approach to Anode Boundary Layer of Gas Tungsten Arcs
- Preface
- Composition Dependence of Titanium in Silver-Copper-Titanium Alloy Braze on Dissimilar Laser Brazing of Boron Nitride Ceramics and Cemented Carbide
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- Numerical Analysis of Metal Vapor Behavior with Multi-diffusion System in TIG Welding of Stainless Steel
- Formation of One Pass Fully-Penetrated Weld Bead of Titanium Plate by Fiber Laser and MIG Arc Hybrid Welding