Clinical Study of Chronic Pancreatitis with Focal Irregular Narrowing of the Main Pancreatic Duct and Mass Formation : Comparison with Chronic Pancreatitis Showing Diffuse Irregular Narrowing of the Main Pancreatic Duct
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2002-10-01
MOTOO Yoshiharu
Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology, Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University
OKAI Takashi
Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology, Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University
Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology, Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University
元雄 良治
金沢大学がん研究所 腫瘍内科
Department of Gastroenterology, Kanazawa Saiseikai Hospital
KAWAURA Yukimitsu
Department of Surgery, Saiseikai Kanazawa Hospital
SATOMURA Yoshitake
Department of Internal Medicine, Toyama Prefectural Central Hospital
元雄 良治
Department Of Internal Medicine And Medical Oncology Cancer Research Institute Kanazawa University
元雄 良治
金沢大学がん研究所 腫瘍制御部門腫瘍内科研究分野
FUJII Tomoharu
Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology, Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University
沢武 紀雄
Department Of Internal Medicine And Medical Oncology Cancer Research Institute Kanazawa University
澤武 紀雄
済生会金沢病院 消化器科
Sawabu Norio
Department Of Internal Medicine And Medical Oncology . Cancer Research Institute Kanazawa University
岡井 高
Department Of Internal Medicine And Medical Oncology Cancer Research Institute Kanazawa University
Wakabayashi Tokio
Department Of Gastroenterology Saiseikai Kanazawa Hospital
Wakabayashi Tokio
Department Of Gastroenterology Ishikawaken Saiseikai Kanazawa Hospital
Motoo Yoshiharu
Department Of Internal Medicine And Medical Oncology Cancer Research Institute Kanazawa University
Satomura Yoshitake
Department Of Internal Medicine Cancer Research Institute Kanazawa University
Kawaura Yukimitsu
Department Of Surgery Saiseikai Kanazawa Hospital
Kawaura Yukimitsu
Department Of Surgery Ishikawaken Kanazawa Hospital
Okai Takashi
Department Of Internal Medicine And Medical Oncology Cancer Research Institute Kanazawa University
Fujii Tomoharu
Department Of Internal Medicine And Medical Oncology Cancer Research Institute Kanazawa University
Okai Takashi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Hiroshima University
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