- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2002-04-01
OKAI Takashi
Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology, Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University
Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology, Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University
MAI Masayoshi
Department of Surgical Oncology, Cancer Research Institute
沢武 紀雄
Department Of Internal Medicine And Medical Oncology Cancer Research Institute Kanazawa University
澤武 紀雄
済生会金沢病院 消化器科
Sabet Eman
Department Of Internal Medicine And Medical Oncology Cancer Research Institute Kanazawa University
Sawabu Norio
Department Of Internal Medicine And Medical Oncology . Cancer Research Institute Kanazawa University
岡井 高
Department Of Internal Medicine And Medical Oncology Cancer Research Institute Kanazawa University
Minamoto Toshinari
Division Of Translational And Clinical Oncology Graduate School Of Medical Science Kanazawa Universi
Minamoto Toshinari
Division Of Molecular Diagnostic Pathology Cancer Research Institute Kanazawa University
Mai Masayoshi
Department Of Surgical Oncology Cancer Research Institute
Mai Masayoshi
Department Of Surgery Cancer Research Institute Hospital Kanazawa University
Okai Takashi
Department Of Internal Medicine And Medical Oncology Cancer Research Institute Kanazawa University
Okai Takashi
Department Of Applied Chemistry Faculty Of Engineering Hiroshima University
- Advanced hepatocellular carcinoma treated effectively with irinotecan via hepatic arterial infusion followed by proton beam therapy
- 慢性膵炎の診断における超音波内視鏡の有用性
- 膵液中のSARP2遺伝子のメチル化測定による膵腫瘍診断
- Diagnostic utility of aberrant methylation of tissue factor pathway inhibitor 2 in pure pancreatic juice for pancreatic carcinoma
- Preproenkephalin hypermethylation in the pure pancreatic juice compared with p53 mutation in the diagnosis of pancreatic carcinoma
- Successful Cystic Fenestration for a Macrocystic Serous Cystadenoma of the Pancreas Causing Obstructive Jaundice : Report of a Case
- Expression of Mesothelin mRNA in Pure Pancreatic Juice From Patients With Pancreatic Carcinoma, Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm of the Pancreas, and Chronic Pancreatitis
- Long-Term Prognosis of Duct-Narrowing Chronic Pancreatitis : Strategy for Steroid Treatment
- 195 C型慢性肝炎のインターフェロン・リバビリン療法における人参養栄湯の貧血軽減効果(41 消化器(5)(慢性肝炎))
- Serum Tumor Markers and Molecular Biological Diagnosis in Pancreatic Cancer
- Detection of p53 Gene Mutations in the Supernatant of Pancreatic Juice and Plasma from Patients with Pancreatic Carcinomas
- CA19-9とCA50 (特集 腫瘍マーカー--その診断的意義と今後の展望)
- C-026(31) C 型慢性肝炎のインターフェロン・リバビリン療法における人参養栄湯併用の意義
- Myxedema accompanied by huge portal-systemic shunt without portal hypertension
- Usefulness of Supernatant of Pancreatic Juice for Genetic Analysis of K-ras in Diagnosis of Pancreatic Carcinoma
- Clinical Management of Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Tumors of the Pancreas Based on Imaging Findings
- Pneumatosis intestinalis and hepatic portal venous gas caused by mesenteric ischemia in an aged person
- 限局性膵管狭細型慢性膵炎の臨床的検討 : びまん性膵管狭細型慢性膵炎との比較を含めて
- 膵癌診断の K-ras 遺伝子分析における膵液上清の有用性
- 画像所見からみた膵管内乳頭腫瘍の治療方針
- Early axonal and glial pathology in fetal sheep brains with leukomalacia induced by repeated umbilical cord occlusion
- 長期にわたって逆追跡しえた胃MALTリンパ腫の1例
- 自然発症慢性膵炎(WBN/Kob ラット)における vacuole membrane protein 1 (VMP 1) の発現
- Expression of Vacuole Membrane Protein 1 (VMP1) in Spontaneous Chronic Pancreatitis in the WBN/Kob Rat
- Molecular mechanisms of therapeutic effects of Saiko-keishi-to on spontaneous chronic pancreatitis in the WBN/Kob rat
- Expressions of pancreatitis-associated protein and cytokines correlate with apoptosis in spontaneous chronic pancreatitis in the WBN/Kob rat
- ヒト膵癌における clusterin の発現
- Clinical Study of Chronic Pancreatitis with Focal Irregular Narrowing of the Main Pancreatic Duct and Mass Formation : Comparison with Chronic Pancreatitis Showing Diffuse Irregular Narrowing of the Main Pancreatic Duct
- 182 膵管胆道合流異常症における胆嚢粘膜の細胞増殖活性及び癌遺伝子産物の検討(第48回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- Prolonged intrahepatic cholestasis in acute-onset, severe autoimmune hepatitis
- Abnormalities of tumor suppressor gene p16 in pancreatic carcinoma : immunohistochemical and genetic findings compared with clinicopathological parameters
- Primary biliary cirrhosis associated with type A gastritis and chronic thyroiditis
- Diagnostic Value of Endoscopic Retrograde Pancreatography in Chronic Pancreatitis Based on the New Criteria Proposed by the Japan Pancreas Society in 1995 : Comparison with the Criteria Proposed by the Japanese Society of Gastroenterology in 1983
- An Immunohistochemical Analysis of p27 Expression in Human Pancreatic Carcinomas
- Large Duodenal Tumor with Positive K-ras Mutation Mimicking Lateral Spreading Tumor of the Colon : A Case Report
- Quantitative Determination of K-ras Mutations in Pancreatic Juice for Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer Using Hybridization Protection Assay
- Triple Marker Screening for Trisomy 21, Trisomy 18 and Open Neural Tube Defects in Singleton Pregnancies of Native Japanese Pregnant Women
- Dimeric Inhibin A as a Fourth Marker for Down's Syndrome Maternal Serum Screening in Native Japanese Women
- P-IS-71 Enrichment of NRBC in maternal blood : more feasible methods for noninvasive prenatal diagnosis(Perinatology 1,Group 106,International Session)
- P-62 The Role of Clinical Psychologist Working in the Obstetrics and Gynecology : Based on the Experience of 12 Years(ISPOG2007)
- Menopausal insomnia and hormone replacement therapy
- Rapid Detection of Chromosome Aneuploidies by Prenatal Interphase FISH (Fluorescence in situ Hybridization) and Its Clinical Utility in Japan
- A Pilot Study of Individualized Maximum Repeatable Dose (iMRD), a New Dose Finding System, of Weekly Gemcitabine for Patients With Metastatic Pancreas Cancer
- Sequential changes in rat femoral artery blood flow and tissue degeneration after exposure to high-intensity focused ultrasound
- Cruveilhier-Baumgarten syndrome in which venous hum disappeared following endoscopic variceal sclerotherapy
- 胃胆管瘻を伴ったムチン産生性胆管乳頭腫症
- The Influence of Inflammatory Cytokines on Estrogen Production and Cell Proliferation in Human Breast Cancer Cells
- ラット自然発症慢性膵炎における pancreatitis-associated protein (PAP), p8, サイトカインの発現に対するメシル酸カモスタットの効果
- PTHrP and PTH/PTHrP Receptor Expressions in Human Endometrium
- Complete regression of colonic adenomas after treatment with sulindac in Gardner's syndrome : a 4-year follow-up
- Hepatic peribiliary cysts diagnosed by magnetic resonance cholangiography
- Detection of K-ras Point Mutations at Codon 12 in Pancreatic Juice for the Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer by Hybridization Protection Assay: A Simple Method for the Determination of the Types of Point Mutations
- Detection of K-ras Point Mutations at Codon 12 in Pure Pancreatic Juice for the Diagnosis of Pancreatic Cancer by PCR-RFLP Analysis
- Expression of Clusterin in Human Pancreatic Cancer
- ラット膵腺房細胞障害におけるケモカインの発現
- ラット膵腺房細胞障害における superoxide dismutase (SOD) の発現
- Expression of Pancreatitis-Associated Protein (PAP) in Rat Spontaneous Chronic Pancreatitis : Effect of Herbal Medicine Saiko-keishi-to (TJ-10)
- 消化器癌化学療法の新たな展開 : 胃・大腸癌を中心に
- Usefulness of p53 gene mutations in the supernatant of bile for diagnosis of biliary tract carcinoma: comparison with K-ras mutation
- Inhibition of GSK-3β activity attenuates proliferation of human colon cancer cells in rodents
- Arterial Blood Flow Occlusion by High Intensity Focused Ultrasound and Histologic Evaluation of Its Effect on Arteries and Surrounding Tissues
- K-ras mutation may promote carcinogenesis of endometriosis leading to ovarian clear cell carcinoma
- Measurement of serum PSP/reg-protein concentration in various diseases with a newly developed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
- Malignant transformation of endometriosis : application of laser microdissection for analysis of genetic alterations according to pathological changes
- Oral Administration of Uracil-Tegafur (UFT) Inhibits Liver Micrometastasis of Human Colon Cancer in an Orthotopic Nude Mouse Model and Its Early Detection System
- Pilot Study of Low-Dose, Divided Maximum Tolerated Dose of CPT-11 in 21 Consecutive Patients with Metastatic Colorectal or Gastric Cancer
- ラット自然発症慢性膵炎(WBN/Kob)におけるPAPおよびサイトカインの発現とアポトーシスの関連
- 054 膵虚血関連遺伝子発現に対する柴胡桂枝湯構成生薬成分の効果
- Hypovolemic shock due to massive edema of a pedunculated uterine myoma after delivery
- Atypical variable deceleration in the first stage of labor is a characteristic fetal heart-rate pattern for velamentous cord insertion and hypercoiled cord
- Recent advances in non-invasive prenatal DNA diagnosis through analysis of maternal blood
- Different histological types of non-small cell lung cancer have distinct folate and DNA methylation levels
- Induction of Chemokines in Rat Pancreatic Acinar Cell Injury
- Superoxide Dismutase Is Induced During Rat Pancreatic Acinar Cell Injury
- Effect of Camostat Mesilate on the Expression of Pancreatitis-Associated Protein (PAP), p8, and Cytokines in Rat Spontaneous Chronic Pancreatitis
- Expression of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α, Interleukin-6, and Interferon-γ in Spontaneous Chronic Pancreatitis in the WBN/Kob Rat
- Expression of Clusterin in Pancreatic Acinar Cell Injuries In Vivo and In Vitro
- Antifibrotic Effect of the Herbal Medicine Saiko-keishi-to (TJ-10) on Chronic Pancreatitis in the WBN/Kob Rat
- 004 桂枝湯とその構成生薬の膵炎抑制効果
- Arginine Induces Apoptosis and Gene Expression of Pancreatitis-Associated Protein (PAP) in Rat Pancreatic Acinar AR4-2J Cells
- 横行結腸への直接浸潤により膵浸潤に類似の超音波内視鏡像を呈した進行胃癌の2例
- Methylation levels of LINE-1 repeats and CpG island loci are inversely related in normal colonic mucosa
- ラット自然発症慢性膵炎モデル(WBN/Kob)における pancreatitis-associated protein (PAP) mRNA の発現動態
- P1-IS-61 Hyperglycosylated hCG : a new test for early pregnancy detection
- Multiparametric in situ mRNA Hybridization Analysis of Gastric Biopsies Predicts Lymph Node Metastasis in Patients with Gastric Carcinoma
- Angiogenesis in Poorly Differentiated Medullary Carcinoma of the Stomach
- Synthesis of Pyrene-Bearing Oligothiophenes as Novel Light Emitting Materials and Their Application to Single-Organic-Layer Electroluminescence Devices
- Irinotecan as Second-Line Treatment for Unresectable Liver Metastases of Colon Cancer
- Serum steroids concentration might be used for monitoring the growth of follicles in friendly in vitro fertilization
- Concentration of lactoferrin and interleukin-6 in cervical mucus from patients being treated for infertility
- Correlations between steroids concentration in follicular fluid, pronuclear morphology and embryo qualities in in vitro fertilization
- Recombinant human lactoferrin inhibits matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-2, MMP-3, and MMP-9) activity in a rabbit preterm delivery model
- Pulmonary Embolism Associated with Sjogren's Syndrome in Pregnancy
- Long interspersed nuclear element-1 hypomethylation is a potential biomarker for the prediction of response to oral fluoropyrimidines in microsatellite stable and CpG island methylator phenotype-negative colorectal cancer
- Glycogen synthase kinase 3β inhibition sensitizes pancreatic cancer cells to gemcitabine
- 慢性膵炎の診断における超音波内視鏡の有用性
- 病因・病態から診断へ--小膵癌