Endotoxin Contamination in Isolation of Lamina Propria Mononuclear Cells
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1999-01-01
Nagura H
Department Of Pathology Sendai City Hospital
Matsuno Seiki
Surgery I Tohoku University School Of Medicine
Matsuno Seiki
The First Department Of Surgery Tohoku University School Of Medicine
Nagura Hiroshi
Laboratory Of Germfree Life Research Institute For Disease Mechanism And Control Nagoya University S
The First Department of Surgery, Tohoku University, School of Medicine
The First Department of Surgery, Tohoku University, School of Medicine
The First Department of Surgery, Tohoku University, School of Medicine
The First Department of Surgery, Tohoku University, School of Medicine
The First Department of Surgery, Tohoku University School of Medicine
Takahashi Ken-ichi
Department Of Surgery Tohoku Rosai Hospital
Nagura H
Division Of Pathology Sendai Shakai Hoken Hospital : Division Of Athletics And Nutrition Sendai Coll
Naito Hiroo
Department Of Surgery South Miyagi Medical Center
Funayama Yuji
Division Of Biological Regulation And Oncology Department Of Surgery Tohoku University Graduate Scho
Kitayama Taku
Division Of Biological Regulation And Oncology Department Of Surgery Tohoku University Graduate Scho
Futami K
Fukuoka Univ. Chikushi Hospital Chikushino Jpn
Fukushima Kouhei
Division Of Biological Regulation And Oncology Department Of Surgery Tohoku University Graduate Scho
Kitayama Taku
Department Of Surgery Division Of Gastrointestinal And Colorectal Surgery Tohoku University Graduate
Fukushima Kouhei
Department Of Surgery (division Of Biological Response And Oncology) Tohoku University Graduate Scho
Sasaki Iwao
Division Of Biological-regulation And Oncology Department Of Surgery Tohoku University Graduate Scho
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