Effect of cold-restraint stress on immunoreactive thyrotropin-releasing hormone and immunoreactive somatostatin in the rat stomach
Nagura H
Department Of Pathology Sendai City Hospital
MITSUMA Terunori
Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Aichi Medical University
First Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University School of Medicine
Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Aichi Medical University
First Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University School of Medicine
UCHIDA Kiyoshi
Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Aichi Medical University
NAGAI Hirofumi
Fourth Department of Internal Medicine, Aichi Medical University
Uchida Kiyoshi
Fourth Department Of Internal Medicine Aichi Medical University
Kaneko H
Toyama Univ. Toyama
Morise K
First Department Of Internal Medicine Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Morise Kimitomo
First Department Of Internal Medicine Nagoya University School Of Medicine
UCHIDA Kiyoshi
First Department of Internal Medicine, Nagoya University School of Medicine
Mitsuma T
Fourth Department Of Internal Medicine Aichi Medical University
Mitsuma Terunori
Fourth Department Of Internal Medicine Aichi Medical University
Furusawa Atsushi
First Department Of Internal Medicine Nagoya University School Of Medicine
Yamamoto Hitoshi
First Department Of Internal Medicine Nagoya University School Of Medicine
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