各種抗菌薬に対する臨床分離株の感受性サーベイランス : 2000年分離グラム陰性菌に対する抗菌力
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We used MIC determinations by the agar-dilution method to assess the activity of various antibacterial agents against clinical isolates of 1, 227 strains of gram-negative aerobic bacteria (19 species) isolated at 16 facilities in Japan in 2000. There was no decrease in the antibacterial activity of most β-lactams against <I>Enterobacteriaceae</I> compared to our previous report on isolates in 1998, but the number of strains resistant to new quinolones (NQs) had increased. Strains that were not susceptible to ceftriaxone, ceftazidime, aztreonam, or cefpodoxime accounted for 9.8% of the <I>Escherichia coli</I>, 4.0% of the <I>Klebsiella</I> spp., and 8.3% of the <I>Proteus</I> spp. Most of the agents displayed high antibacterial activity against<I> Neisseria gonorrhoeae</I> and <I>Branhamella catarrhalis</I>. However, the proportion of NQs-resistant <I>N. gonorrhoeae</I> strains was 92%, and was higher than in 1998.β-Lactamase was produced by 7% of the <I>Haemophilus influenzae</I> strains isolated, which was lower than in 1998. However, the proportion of β-lactamase-negative ampicillin-resistant <I>H. influenzae</I> increased greatly, from 3.3% in 1992 and 3.5% in 1994, to 15.6% in 1996, 24.4% in 1998, and 37.0% in 2000. The agents that displayed comparatively high antibacterial activity against <I>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</I> were tobramycin, doripenem, meropenem, and arbekacin, all of which had an MIC<SUB>90</SUB> of ≤6.25μg/mL. The distribution of the activity of 11 antipseudomonal agents against <I>P. aeruginosa</I> indicated a decrease in number of multi-resistant strains and an increase in strains that exhibited susceptibility to all of the agents, compared with our previous reports in 1998. The activity of antibacterial agents against other glucose non-fermentative gram-negative rods, was slightly higher than in 1998.
- 公益社団法人 日本化学療法学会の論文
- 2003-04-25
吉田 勇
吉田 勇
東山 伊佐夫
木村 美司
杉森 義一
山野 佳則
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