Role of MMP-2 in alveolar epithelial cell repair after bleomycin administration in rabbits
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2001-10-01
Department of Pathology, Nippon Medical School
Fukuda Yuh
Department Of Analytic Human Pathology Nippon Medical School
Fukuda Yuh
Department Of Pathology I Nippon Medical School
Ishizaki Masamichi
Departments Of Laboratory Animal Science Nippon Medical School
Ishizaki Masamichi
Department Of Analytic Human Pathology Nippon Medical School
Ishizaki Masamichi
Department Of Pathology I Nippon Medical School
KUNUGI Shinobu
Department of Pathology I, Nippon Medical School
Kunugi Shinobu
Department Of Pathology I Nippon Medical School
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