- 論文の詳細を見る
Purpose: It has been reported that the excretion of urinary uric acid is increased by the ingestion of bicarbonated salt spring water or bathing in radioactive spring water. Furthermore, uric acid is considered to play an important role in diminishing oxidative stresses. We therefore investigated the influence of bathing water on the excretion of uric acid from the aspect of urinary oxidation-reduction potential (ORP). Methods: 1. Nine volunteers (three males and six females) aged 22 to 26 were divided into three bathing groups: in sulphur spring water, in bicarbonated salt spring water, and in tap water. Urine specimens were taken six times from 0600 to 1600 while repeating bathing and taking meals alternatively at intervals of 2 hours. ORP, pH, and the concentrations of uric acid and creatinine in urine specimens were measured. 2. ORP, pH, and the concentrations of uric acid and creatinine were measured in the urine specimens taken from the seven subjects in the bicarbonated salt spring and sulphur spring bathing groups early in the morning everyday during the stay at the spa. In addition, serum uric acid levels were measured at the beginning and the end of the stay. Results: 1. The average ORP was 527 mV in tap water, 407 mV in bicarbonated salt spring, and 145 mV in sulphur spring bathing. The urinary ORP increased obviously after bathing in tap water and decreased after bathing in sulfur spring water. The average urinary ORP was 257 mV after bathing in tap water, 220 mV after bathing in bicarbonated salt spring water, and 216 mV after bathing in sulfur spring water. Urinary uric acid/creatinine ratio showed a significant and negative correlation with urinary ORP in all three kinds of water. Urinary pH after bathing varied randomly. Urinary uric acid/creatinine ratio exhibited a significant positive correlation with the urinary pH in all three kinds of water. 2. While serum uric acid elevated after a short stay at the spa of less than 10 days, it decreased after a long stay of more than 2 weeks. Discussion and Conclusions: Urinary ORP immediately reflected the ORP of bathing water. The urinary uric acid / creatinine ratio possessed a negative correlation with urinary ORP. Because the ORP of spring water is commonly lower than that of tap water, bathing in spring water may increase the excretion of uric acid and as a result, may lower the serum uric acid levels after the long stay at the spa. The urinary uric acid/creatinine ratio exhibited a significant positive correlation with urinary pH. The results suggest that if the urinary pH gradually becomes alkaline after a long period of ingestion of alkaline spring water, the excretion of uric acid will be promoted, resulting in a lowered serum uric acid.
- 日本温泉気候物理医学会の論文
- 2004-02-01
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- 温泉療法と血小板グルタチオン代謝
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- 糖尿病性合併症の予防
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- 28. Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry法による慢性関節リウマチの骨塩量の検討 : 骨関節 : 第30回 日本リハビリテーション医学会 学術集会
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- ポストゲノム時代の Evidence Based Health と温泉医学
- 温泉と免疫
- 川湯硫黄泉飲泉による血糖値に及ぼす影響
- 温泉と免疫
- ポストゲノム時代のEvidence Based Healthと温泉医学
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- 昨今の温泉事情
- 水浴温度と血小板グルタチオン代謝
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- 温泉療法前後における血小板グルタチオン代謝の変化
- 生気象学とリハビリテーション
- 血小板グルタチオン代謝 -糖尿病治療による変化-
- 高齢者の温泉療法
- 糖尿病 (第57回日本温泉気候物理医学会総会(1992年,別府)) -- (温泉治療効果の評価基準(シンポジウム))
- 大気イオンと気候療法
- 温泉を科学する(6)気候療法・地形療法
- 温泉を科学する(4)正しい入浴法
- 温泉を科学する(2)入浴温度の話
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- 温泉を科学する(3)温泉成分と入浴剤
- 温泉を科学する(7完)糖尿病合併症と高温浴
- 温泉療法と血小板抗酸化防御機構-糖尿病患者における検討-
- 温泉と健康
- 自然との調和 : 北の大地から
- 膠原病レイノー患者における星状神経節近傍への直線偏光近赤外線照射の効果
- 自然療法と健康増進
- 日本における入浴関連事故の分析 : 日本救急医学会との共同研究
- 反復温熱刺激のII型糖尿病患者血糖とHbA_ならびに血小板グルタチオン代謝に及ぼす影響
- 漢方と温泉 : 温泉医学的考察
- 治療の対象として : 温泉治療から健康増進・ヘルスツーリズムへ
- 医学からみた温泉、そして健康 (特集 自然の癒しを求めて)
- 気候療法
- 漢方と温泉
- 水中運動と温泉入浴を組み合わせた健康増進活動の効果 : 北海道M市での研究
- 北海道の温泉の特集に当たって
- 半身浴による生理変化
- 高齢者における足浴の睡眠時間に与える影響
- 糖尿病 (第57回日本温泉気候物理医学会総会(1992年,別府)) -- (温泉治療効果の評価基準(シンポジウム))
- 教養教育での教育
- 教養教育での教育
- 日本における入浴関連事故の分析—日本救急医学会との共同研究—
- 振動・磁気・電気・気候刺激の応用拡大
- Idiopathic hypoparathyroidism associated with hyperthyroidism.