- 論文の詳細を見る
Purpose: Half-body bathing is popular among young women as well as elderly people. As a matter of fact, it is reported that half-body bathing has a smaller burden than whole-body bathing from the point of physical influence. To clarify the relation between bathing habitude and health maintenance, that is, as an approach to general understanding the physiological effects by repeating bathing stimuli, the physiological changes by continuing half-body bathing were studied. Methods: Half-body bathing was repeated for 4 weeks in healthy female subjects (N=10, age:30.1±4.8, height:160.4±6.1cm, weight:55.6±7.0kg, body mass index:20.9±1.6kg/m2, mean±SD). Bathing was performed for 30 minutes and 3times a week, with a level of epigastrium without immersing arms. Changes of blood flow and energy expenditure were measured during bathing at 0W and 4W. Results and Discussion: By continuing bathing, blood flow increased more rapidly and higher during bathing, in addition, resting energy expenditure increased by 200 kcal/day with a significant difference. From these findings, it is assumed that repeated half-body bathing enhances the increase of blood flow through repeating thermal stimuli, which leads to elevated basal metabolism.
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