Spectral Parameters of Nd3+-ion in the Polycrystalline Solid-Solution Composed of Y3Al5O12 and Y3Sc2Al3O12
- 論文の詳細を見る
We have fabricated the Nd3+-doped mixed structure, Y3ScxAl5-xO12, polycrystals by the sintering method and studied them spectroscopically as potential laser media. Using the Judd-Ofelt theory to analyze the optical strength measured in absorption spectra, the parameters of oscillator strengths and fluorescence branch ratios were calculated and found to have a linear dependence on the compositional parameter $x$.
- Published by the Japan Society of Applied Physics through the Institute of Pure and Applied Physicsの論文
- 2003-08-15
Taira T
Inst. Molecular Sci. Okazaki Jpn
Taira Takunori
Laser Research Center For Molecular Science Institute For Molecular Science
Sato Yoichi
Laser Research Center for Molecular Science, Institute for Molecular Science, 38 Nishigonaka, Myodai
Ikesue Akio
Materials Research and Development Laboratory, Japan Fine Ceramics Center, 2-4-1 Mutsuno, Atsuta-ku,
Sato Yoichi
Laser Research Center For Molecular Science Institute For Molecular Science
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