Effects of silane coupling agent level and extraction treatment on the properties of UF-bonded reed and wheat straw particleboards
- 論文の詳細を見る
- Springerの論文
- 2001-02-25
井上 雅文
HAN Guangping
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
KAWAI Shuichi
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
Zhang M
Laboratory Of Sustainable Materials Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University
Umemura K
Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University
Umemura Kenji
Health & Bioscience Laboratories Meiji Seiko Kaisha Ltd.:plant Biological Defense System Laborat
Umemura K
Akita Prefectural Univ. Noshiro Jpn
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
Wong Ee
Faculty Of Forestry Universiti Putra Malaysia
Kawai Shuichi
Lab. Of Structural Function Div. Of Wood Material Science Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Kawai Shuichi
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Han Guangping
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Zhang Min
Laboratory Of Sustainable Materials Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University
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