KAWAI Shuichi | Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
KAWAI Shuichi
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
Kawai Shuichi
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Kawai Shuichi
Lab. Of Structural Function Div. Of Wood Material Science Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Umemura K
Akita Prefectural Univ. Noshiro Jpn
Umemura K
Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University
Umemura Kenji
Health & Bioscience Laboratories Meiji Seiko Kaisha Ltd.:plant Biological Defense System Laborat
Hata Toshimitsu
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Hata Toshimitsu
Wood Research Institute
Kawai Shuichi
Laboratory of Sustainable Materials, RISH, Kyoto University
Hata Toshimitsu
Laboratory Of Innovative Humano-habitability Rish Kyoto University
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
井上 雅文
Hermawan D
Kyoto Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Hermawan Dede
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
HAN Guangping
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
Han Guangping
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Zhang M
Laboratory Of Sustainable Materials Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University
Nichiha Company
Kataoka Yasuo
Laboratory Of Structural Function Rish Kyoto University:(present Office)cyubu University
Zhang Min
Laboratory Of Sustainable Materials Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University
川井 秀一
Umemura Kenji
Forestry And Forest Products Research Institute
Nichiha Company
Subiyanto Bambang
Research And Development Unit For Biomaterials
Wong Ee
Faculty Of Forestry Universiti Putra Malaysia
Subyakto Subyakto
Research Unit For Biomaterials
Wang Q
Department Of Physics Virginia Commonwealth University
Wang Qian
Hokushin Co.
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
IDE Isamu
Lignyte Ltd.
Kawai S
Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University
Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute
Zhang Min
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
今村 祐嗣
Imamura Y
Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University
Kawai S
Research Section Of Lignin Chemistry Wood Research Institute Kyoto University:(present Address)depar
佐々木 光
川井 秀一
Imamura Yuji
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Komatsu Kohei
Laboratory Of Structural Function Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University
Komatsu Kohei
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
HWANG Kweonhwan
Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University
Research Center for Physics
R&D Center for Applied Physics, LIPI, Puspiptek Serpong
KANEKO Shin-ichi
Nichiha Co. Ltd.
Hwang Kweonhwan
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Subiyanto Bambang
R&d Center For Applied Physics Indonesia Institute Of Sciences Puspitek
Hata Toshihiro
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Adachi Koji
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Nakayama A
Showa Marutsutsu Co.
Sasaki Hikaru
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Sasaki Hikaru
Institute Of Wood Technology Akita Prefectural University
Sasaki Hikaru
Lab. Of Structural Function Div. Of Wood Material Science Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Kawasaki Tamami
Laboratory Of Sustainable Materials Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University
Kawasaki Tamami
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Inoue Masafumi
Wood Research Institute Kyoto University
Institute of Wood Technology, Akita Prefectural University
Showa Marutsutsu Co.
Yamauchi Hidefumi
Institute Of Wood Technology Akita Prefectural University
Komatsu K
Laboratory Of Structural Function Research Institute For Sustainable Humanosphere Kyoto University
Zhang Dongmei
Forest Products Research Institute Of Heilongjiang
HONDA Takahisa
Daiken Corporation
Department of Agriculture, Kyoto Prefectural University
ZHANG Changwu
Forest Products Research Institute of Heilongjiang
Toyo Veneer Kogyo Co. Ltd.
MAKIYAMA Shin-suke
Gun-ei Kagaku Kogyo Co. Ltd.
Gun-ei Kagaku Kogyo Co. Ltd.
Nakaji M
Toyo Veneer Kogyo Co. Ltd.
Mitsui Takeda Chemicals
Kajita Hiromu
Department Of Agriculture Kyoto Prefectural University
R&D Center for Applied Physics, Indonesia Institute of Sciences, PUSPITEK
- Formation of the density profile and its effects on the properties of fiberboard
- Effects of mat moisture content and press closing spees on the formation of denstiy profile and properties of particleboard
- Evalluation of fire-retardant properties of edge-jointed lumber from tropical fast-growing woods using cone calorimetry and a standard fire test
- Effect of carbon dioxide-air concentration in the rapid curing process on the properties of cement-bonded particleboard
- Manufacturing oil palm fronds cement-bonded board cured by gaseous or supercritical carbon dioxide
- Rapid production of high-strength cement-bonded particleboard using gaseous or supercritical Darbon dioxide
- Fire-resistant performance of a laminated venner lumber joint with metal plate connectors protected with graphite phenolic sphere sheeting
- New technology for manufacturing high-strength cement-bonded particleboard using supercritical carbon dioxide
- Design and pilot production of a "spiral-winder" for the manufacture of cylindrical laminated venner lumber
- Anisotropic thermal properties of molded carbon phenolic spheres
- Effects of silane coupling agent level and extraction treatment on the properties of UF-bonded reed and wheat straw particleboards
- Development of high-performance UF-bonded reed and wheat straw medium-density fiberboard
- In-plane shear properties of the wood-based sandwich panel as a small shear wall evaluated by the shear test method using tie-rods
- Liquid Impregnation in Wood Using a Roller-press In-liquid
- Improvement mechanism of bondability in UF-bonded reed and wheat straw boards by silane coupling agent and extraction treatments
- Upgrading of urea formaldehyde-bonded reed and wheat straw particleboards using silane coupling agents
- Physical Properties of Low-density Particleboard
- Durability of isocyanate resin adhesives for wood IV : degradation under constant steam heating
- Durability of isocyanate resin adhesives for wood III : degradation under constant dry heating
- Manufacture and properties of oil palm frond cement-bonded board