- 論文の詳細を見る
Exo-terrestrial biology hits the core questions of modern science, where we are from and how we will be. Once we understand the function and mechanism of living systems in detail, we recognize a missing link between pre-biotic chemical evolution and the original ancestor of life. Space exploration searching extraterrestrial life on other planetary bodies might contribute to answer whether the principle that governs terrestrial life is limited specifically to earth or could be generalized to the universal law. Mass spectrometry has been an effective tool in this research field. In order to survey extant lives and fossil record, highly bio-specific and sensitive method should be selected. We can expect spin off from space driven technology development for which many severe requirements are imposed, such as physical size, mass, power consumption, and maintenance. Electrospray might be one of candidate technologies for space exploration at its capability to analyze bioassociated chemical species at high sensitivity and its wide range of applicability.
- 日本質量分析学会の論文
- 2003-02-01
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- 微小重力下における根の姿勢制御関連遺伝子の発現
- 日本質量分析学会名誉会員 John B. Fenn博士をしのぶ
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- 細胞・組織培養実験での液の混合の流体力学
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- エレクトロスプレーによる多電荷・巨大タンパク分子イオンの生成 : John B. Fenn 博士の業績
- 圏外生物学と質量分析とエレクトロスプレー
- キュウリ芽生えの根における水分屈性とオーキシン制御遺伝子の偏差的発現
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