Application of a new perchloric acid treatment method to measure endotoxin by an endotoxin-specific chromogenic Limulus test in neonatal septicemia
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1995-10-01
稲田 捷也
INADA Katsuya
Department of Microbiology School of Medicine, Iwate Medical University
CHIDA Shoichi
Department of Pediatrics School of Medicine, Iwate Medical University
SUDA Hidetoshi
Hasuda-Issinkai Hospital
Iwate Life Science Institute
Chida Shoichi
Department Of Pediatrics School Of Medicine Iwate Medical University
Chida Shoichi
Department Of Pediatrics Iwate Medical University
Fujiwara Tetsuro
Department Of Pediatrics Iwate Medical University
Yoshida Masao
The Department Of Bacteriology Iwate Medical University School Of Medicine
Suda Hidetoshi
Department Of Neonatology Morioka Red Cross Hospital
Department of Neonatology, Morioka Red Cross Hospital
Moroi Chikae
Department Of Neonatology Morioka Red Cross Hospital
Inada Katsuya
Department Of Critical Care Medicine Iwate Medical University
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