自然から学ぶ放射性廃棄物処分の知恵 : ナチュラルアナログのおしえ
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"Natural analogues" can be defined as the processes or materials analogous to those operating in the geological disposal system of radioactive waste. Natural analogue studies provide the only means by which long-term data can be obtained under the real natural conditions, and also the most convincing support to the long-term performance assessment of the geological disposal system.The framework of our natural analogue studies concerning the stability of the engineered barrier materials for geological disposal system of high-level radioactive waste is reviewed. One of the results is that the volcanic glass included in a clay bed did not alter during the past one million years.The Tono Uranium Deposits are studied as geochemical analogues of radioactive waste disposal in Japan. We conclude that although the deposits have been subjected to a variety of geological processes and events such as faulting, erosion and uplift/subsidence, the reducing condition has been maintained and uranium has not migrated for at least the past ten million years.Application and further development of the natural analogue studies are also discussed.
- 2002-11-25
- 西南日本領家帯(四国),高浜花崗岩類の冷却史,特に新第三紀貫入岩類による熱的影響
- 自然から学ぶ廃棄物処分の智恵--ナチュラルアナログ研究のすすめ (平成13年度「放射性廃棄物管理専門研究会」報告書)
- 東濃ウラン鉱床におけるナチュラルアナログ研究--最近の研究成果と今後の展開について (特集 自然に学ぶ:放射性廃棄物の地層処分) -- (地層処分に関わる天然類似現象とその観察)
- 世界における天然類似現象(ナチュラルアナログ)研究の概要 (特集 自然に学ぶ:放射性廃棄物の地層処分)
- 自然から学ぶ放射性廃棄物処分の知恵 : ナチュラルアナログのおしえ
- 自然から学ぶ高レベル放射性廃棄物処分の知恵 -ナチュラルアナログ研究のすすめ-
- 核燃料サイクル開発機構東濃地科学センター
- 自然から学ぶ廃棄物処分の智恵 : 現状・課題・地学の役割
- 自然から学ぶ廃棄物処分の智恵 : 地質学は何ができるか (廃棄物処分と地質学の役割 : 放射性廃棄物の地層処分研究を例として)
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