Immediate-type hypersensitivity to pyridoxal 5'-phosphate: Study of in vivo and in vitro cross-reactivity and identification of the antigenic determinant
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2001-09-01
荒井 貞夫
Koga Michiyuki
東京医科大学 皮膚科学
Koga Michiyuki
Department Of Dermatology Tokyo Medical University
Koga Michiyuki
Department Of Dermatology Tokyo Medical College
Department of Chemistry, Tokyo Medical University
Arai Sadao
Department Of Chemistry Tokyo Medical University
OKUBO Yukari
Department of Dermatology, Tokyo Medical College
Okubo Yukari
Department Of Dermatology Tokyo Medical University
Okubo Yukari
Department Of Dermatology Tokyo Medical College
OSADA Masako
Department of Dermatology, Tokyo Medical University
OKI Noriko
Department of Dermatology, Tokyo Medical University
OHI Tsunao
Department of Dermatology, Tokyo Medical University
Oki Noriko
Department Of Dermatology Tokyo Medical University
Ohi Tsunao
Department Of Dermatology Tokyo Medical University
Osada Masako
Department Of Dermatology Tokyo Medical University
Koga Masataka
Department Of Dermatology Tokyo Medical University
荒井 貞夫
荒井 貞夫
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