- 論文の詳細を見る
- Society of Resource Geologyの論文
- 2002-03-01
小室 光世
Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba
梶原 良道
Institute Of Geoscience University Of Tsukuba
Komuro Kosei
Institute Of Geoscieince The University Of Tsukuba
Komuro K
Institute Of Geoscience University Of Tsukuba
Kajiwara Yoshimichi
Institute Of Geoscience The University Of Tsukuba
Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba
Kulange Banda
Institute Of Geoscience University Of Tsukuba
- 東北日本, 北鹿地域の泥質岩の生痕化石と硫黄同位体比 : 黒鉱鉱床形成環境の解読
- 韓国, 錦城モリブデン鉱床の鉱石硫黄の炭酸塩岩起源の可能性
- 黒鉱鉱床形成の海洋生物地球化学規制(地球における炭素の循環)
- 本邦北鹿地域餌釣黒鉱鉱床珪質黒鉱中の含ゲルマニュウムコルス銅鉱
- 東北日本グリーンタフ地域女川層泥質岩の重い硫黄^の濃集
- 東北日本グリーンタフ地域の泥質岩の古海洋学と重金属濃集
- フリエダリバー, ネナ高硫化型鉱床(PNG)の熱水変質作用とCu-Au鉱化作用
- The Fe2_ binding energy mapping biotite in weathered granitic rocks
- Search for extraterrestrial amino acids in sediments at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in Kawaruppu, Hokkaido, Japan
- P-25 Sulphur isotope composition and REE distributions of ores from Pb-Zn-Ag Mines, Myanmar
- An invitation to the sulfur isotope study of marine sediments : implications and constraints for the exogenic sulfur cycle
- A simple BASIC program for the CIPW NORMcalculation
- Sulfur isotopic data from the Cretaceous/Tartiary boundary sediments in the eastern Hokkaido, Japan
- パプアニュウギニア,ラロキ層準規制型塊状硫化物鉱床からの銅・鉄を含む亜鉛硫化物
- Sulfur isotopic and chemical analysis data from the chert-dominant sequence associated with stratiform manganese ore at Noda-Tamagawa mine in the Northern Kitakami Terrane, northeast Japan
- Chemistry and sulfur isotopes of the Paleozoic-Mesozoic sequence around the "Kajika" horizon, Ashio copper mine, central Japan
- Geochemistry and mineral alteration around the Kanyemba-1 uranium deposit, Zimbabwe
- Development of radiation-damage rims in quartz around the Kanyemba-1 uranium deposit, Zimbabwe
- 韓国のカンブロ-オルドヴィス紀炭酸塩岩の硫黄含有量と同位対比:中生代マグマ熱水性鉱床の硫黄起源の可能性
- Chemical composition of Jurassic metalliferous black shale in the chertdominant sequence of the Katsuyama section in the Mino terrane, central Japan
- Color measurements using a visible microspectrometer of weathering rinds on andesite blocks
- 北鹿地域餌釣黒鉱鉱床珪質黒鉱中の底生有孔虫