<Articles> <Geological asciences> An invitation to the sulfur isotope study of marine sediments : implications and constraints for the exogenic sulfur cycle
Ohkouchi Naohiko
Institute Of Low Temperature Science Hokkaido University
Ohkouchi Naohiko
Institute For Frontier Research On Earth Evolution
Kaiho Kunio
Geology Department Tohoku University
KAJIWARA Yoshimichi
Institute of Geoscience, University of Tsukuba
Kajiwara Yoshimichi
Institute Of Geoscience The University Of Tsukuba
- Age model, physical properties and paleoceanographic implications of the middle Pleistocene core sediments in the Choshi area, central Japan
- Microbially induced formation of ooid-like coated grains in the Late Cretaceous methane-seep deposits of the Nakagawa area, Hokkaido, northern Japan
- Implication of spatiotemporal distribution of black shales deposited during the Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event-2(Frontier Researches in Japanese Paleontology)
- Sedimentary membrane lipids recycled by deep-sea benthic archaea
- Search for extraterrestrial amino acids in sediments at the Cretaceous/Tertiary boundary in Kawaruppu, Hokkaido, Japan
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- An invitation to the sulfur isotope study of marine sediments : implications and constraints for the exogenic sulfur cycle
- Sulfur isotopic data from the Cretaceous/Tartiary boundary sediments in the eastern Hokkaido, Japan
- パプアニュウギニア,ラロキ層準規制型塊状硫化物鉱床からの銅・鉄を含む亜鉛硫化物
- Sulfur isotopic and chemical analysis data from the chert-dominant sequence associated with stratiform manganese ore at Noda-Tamagawa mine in the Northern Kitakami Terrane, northeast Japan
- Chemistry and sulfur isotopes of the Paleozoic-Mesozoic sequence around the "Kajika" horizon, Ashio copper mine, central Japan
- 韓国のカンブロ-オルドヴィス紀炭酸塩岩の硫黄含有量と同位対比:中生代マグマ熱水性鉱床の硫黄起源の可能性
- ^N/^N ratios of amino acids as a tool for studying terrestrial food webs : a case study of terrestrial insects (bees, wasps, and hornets)
- An improved method for isolation and purification of sedimentary porphyrins by high-performance liquid chromatography for compound-specific isotopic analysis
- 北鹿地域餌釣黒鉱鉱床珪質黒鉱中の底生有孔虫
- New organic reference materials for carbon- and nitrogen-stable isotope ratio measurements provided by Center for Ecological Research, Kyoto University, and Institute of Biogeosciences, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology