<Articles> <Geomorphology> Color measurements using a visible microspectrometer of weathering rinds on andesite blocks
Oguchi T.chiaki
Institute Of Geoscience The University Of Tsukuba
Matsukura Yukinori
Institute Of Geoscience The University Of Tsukuba
Komuro Kosei
Institute Of Geoscieince The University Of Tsukuba
ISOBE Hiroshi
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Komuro Kosei
Institute of Geoscience, The University of Tsukuba
- Preliminary study on Vickers microhardness of weathering rinds
- Salt fretting on the valley cliff at To-no-hetsuri, Aizu region
- Hogback and glacis pediment in Mount Dalma, Korea
- XVIIIInternational Symposium on the Scientific Basis for Nuclear Waste Management
- The Fe2_ binding energy mapping biotite in weathered granitic rocks
- Notch formation due to salt fretting on valley cliffs in an inland region of Japan
- A simple BASIC program for the CIPW NORMcalculation
- パプアニュウギニア,ラロキ層準規制型塊状硫化物鉱床からの銅・鉄を含む亜鉛硫化物
- An instrument for measuring rock surface roughness
- Pediments and Related Landforms in Korea
- Reply to the Preceding Comment by N. Caine on 'Is the Maximum Stable Angle of Slope of Granular Assemblies Comparable to the Angle of Shearing Resistance?'
- Chemistry and sulfur isotopes of the Paleozoic-Mesozoic sequence around the "Kajika" horizon, Ashio copper mine, central Japan
- Geochemistry and mineral alteration around the Kanyemba-1 uranium deposit, Zimbabwe
- Development of radiation-damage rims in quartz around the Kanyemba-1 uranium deposit, Zimbabwe
- Chemical composition of Jurassic metalliferous black shale in the chertdominant sequence of the Katsuyama section in the Mino terrane, central Japan
- Color measurements using a visible microspectrometer of weathering rinds on andesite blocks
- 北鹿地域餌釣黒鉱鉱床珪質黒鉱中の底生有孔虫