- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2002-03-01
梅村 知也
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
角田 欣一
梅村 知也
Umemura T
Department Of Applied Chemistry Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
- Epidemiology of hepatocellular carcinoma in Japan
- Speciation of Human Serum Proteins Based on Trace Metal Mapping Analysis by CIM Monolithic Disk Column HPLC/ICP-MS in Complement with Off-Line MALDI-TOF-MS Analysis
- Chemical Speciation of Arsenic Species in Human Blood Serum by Liquid Chromatography Using a Phosphatidylcholine-Coated ODS Column with Detection by ICP-MS
- Assay of Alkaline Phosphatase in Salmon Egg Cell Cytoplasm with Fluorescence Detection of Enzymatic Activity and Zinc Detection by ICP-MS in Relation to Metallomics Research
- Speciation and Excretion Patterns of Arsenic Metabolites in Human Urine after Ingestion of Edible Seaweed, Hizikia fusiforme
- Identification of Aluminum Species in an Aluminum-accumulating Plant, Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla), by Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
- Liquid Core Waveguide Spectrophotometry for the Sensitive Determination of Nitrite in River Water Samples
- Characteristics of a Liquid/Liquid Optical Waveguide Using Sheath Flow and Its Application to Detect Molecules at a Liquid/Liquid Interface
- インジウムスズオキサイド電極スラブ光導波路によるヨウ素の分光電気化学測定(ナノ空間と分析化学)
- A New Isoelectric Focusing System for Fast Two-Dimensional Gel Electrophoresis Using a Low-Concentration Polyacrylamide Gel Supported by a Loose Multifilament String
- 低屈折率高分子製光ファイバー型キャピラリーセルの特性とその鉄鋼試料中硫黄の吸 光光度定量への応用
- 光ファイバー型キャピラリーセルの分析化学における可能性 (特集 分析技術の進歩と話題)
- 微量元素のスペシエーション分析--ナノ分析化学への期待 (特集 極限に挑むナノ分析化学)
- 第6回分析化学東京シンポジウム・2002機器分析東京討論会
- 低屈折率高分子製光導波型キャピラリーセルの吸光セルとしての特性
- 光ファイバー型キャピラリーセルの分光分析への応用
- 新規多糖誘導体キラル固定相の開発とTLCへの応用
- 過マンガン酸カリウムによるフェノール系内分泌攪乱物質の分解
- Lock-in Modulation Detection for a Difference Interferometric Slab Optical-Waveguide Refractive-Index Sensor
- Determination of 56 Elements in Lake Baikal Water by High-Resolution ICP-MS with the Aid of a Tandem Preconcentration Method
- Evaluation of an ODS Column Modified with Zwitterionic/Nonionic Mixed Surfactants and Its Application to Direct Injection Determination of Inorganic Anions
- An in-syringe La-coprecipitation Method for the Preconcentration of Oxo-anion Forming Elements in Seawater Prior to an ICP-MS Measurement
- Separation Characteristics of a Phosphatidylcholine-Coated ODS Column for Direct Sample Injection Analysis of Biological Fluid Samples
- 微量元素と分光分析 : 最近の話題
- 高温炭素炉中のInCl吸収スペクトルによる塩素の定量
- Identification of Al(III) Species in a Solution Containing Equimolar Concentrations of Al(III) and Citric Acid Using Varying-Temperature Al NMR Spectrometry
- Rapid Reversed-phase Separation Using Methacrylate-based C18 Monolithic Capillary Columns at High Flow Rates and Elevated Temperatures
- Multielement Determination of Trace Metals in Seawater by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry after Tandem Preconcentration Using a Chelating Resin
- Multielement Determination of Trace Metals in River Water (Certified Reference Material, JSAC 0301-1) by High Efficiency Nebulization ICP-MS after 100-fold Preconcentration with a Chelating Resin-Packed Minicolumn
- A case of well-differentiated cholangiolocellular carcinoma visualized with contrast-enhanced ultrasonography using Sonazoid
- Hepatitis B virus RNA is measurable in serum and can be a new marker for monitoring lamivudine therapy
- Speciation of Trace Elements, Binding and Non-binding with Proteins in Human Blood Serum, by Surfactant-Mediated HPLC with Element-Selective Detection by ICP-MS
- Epidemiology of hepatocellular carcinoma in Japan
- 環境基準に定められた有機溶媒を用いない鉄鋼中ホウ素の抽出/吸光光度法の開発
- 由井宏治氏
- アルミニウムの環境への影響とその分析化学
- スラブ光導波路を用いるガラス表面への吸着分子の可視吸収スペクトルの測定
- モノチオテノイルトリフルオロアセトンによる亜鉛(II)及びカドミウム(II)の抽出に及ぼす混合中性配位子の添加効果
- アルミニウムの毒性とそのスペシエーション分析
- 平成15年度春季講演会 ・ シンポジウム報告
- 原子スペクトル分析
- 「学術会議問題」に思う
- スラブ光導波路を吸光検出器に用いるFIA装置によるホウ素の測定
- 資源環境技術総合研究所水質計測研究室を訪ねて
- Multielement Analysis of Commercial Mineral Waters by Chelating Resin Preconcentration and ICP-MS
- Speciation of Some Biometals in Salmon Egg Cell Cytoplasm by Two-Dimensional HPLC/ICP-MS
- Speciation of Trace Elements, Binding and Non-binding with Proteins in Human Blood Serum, by Surfactant-Mediated HPLC with Element-Selective Detection by ICP-MS